Help us keep you safe and protect our most vulnerable

Help us keep you safe and protect our most vulnerable

If you are planning a visit, we would like you to consider how you can help us protect everyone in the Trust. We have created this best practice guide to help us help you and make sure that this winter we are all doing our best to keep everyone safe.

Press release
A nurse speaks to a patient who is seated

Tips for safe visiting

  • Please do not visit the Trust if you are feeling unwell
  • If you have diarrhoea and sickness, please wait until you have been clear of symptoms for 48 hours before you visit or attend appointments
  • Please remain with the person you are visiting. If other patients ask for assistance, please alert a member of the staff
  • If you are eligible and able to, have your flu jab – make sure you are as protected as you can be
  • If you have any symptoms of COVID-19, don’t visit
  • Wear a mask or face covering in tight spaces or when asked to do so by hospital staff.
  • Be respectful of people’s space – don’t sit or lay on beds, and use the chair provided by bedsides, in ward areas
  • Please remove your outer clothing when visiting; it makes it easier to wash your hands
  • Speak to ward staff regarding gifts and presents for the person you are visiting. Some wards do not permit flowers. Consider putting food items including fruit for example, in a sealed container
  • Wash your hands thoroughly when visiting the toilet
  • Ensure you use visitor toilets and not ones allocated for patients
  • Give yourselves plenty of time and make sure you adhere to the visiting times allocated

Covid-19 is not the only thing to be wary of during the winter – there are other infections and illnesses such as colds, flu, diarrhoea and vomiting bugs such as norovirus that are also harmful. We help protect ourselves and others by being mindful of a few simple steps.

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