Annual General and Public Members' Meeting

Annual General and Public Members' Meeting

Room CBC01, Barnsley College Business Centre, County Way, Barnsley, S70 2JW
Graphic representing the Barnsley Hospital 5 year strategy

We invite you to attend and learn about the achievements of the Trust during the reporting period of April 2023 to March 2024

We encourage public interest in our meetings and members of the public are welcome to ask questions relevant to the meeting agenda.

Some teams from the hospital will be joining us on the day to provide more information about the things they do for patients and staff. 

  • Freedom to Speak Up Guardian - find out more about this crucial role, and how we listen and respond to staff concerns about safety and culture.
  • Patient Safety team - how we approach improving patient safety through feedback, governance, and systems.
  • Barnsley Facilities Servicesthe teams and people who maintain and improve our estate, run the hospital facilities, and project-manage capital schemes.

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