Early Pregnancy Unit

Early Pregnancy Unit

The Early Pregnancy Unit is part of Gynaecology Services, which offers advice and support for those experiencing pregnancy related conditionsup to 20 weeks gestation. 

This is a nurse-led service with doctors available for advice and support if required.

early pregnancy

About the Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit

Services Offered:

  • Advice and support for pregnancy-related conditions i.e pain and bleeding up to 20 weeks gestation.
  • This is a nurse-led service with doctors available for advice and support if required.
  • Scanning facilities available on a daily basis via appointment only.

The team members are:

  • Consultant Specialist
  • Specialist Doctor in Early Pregnancy Assessment
  • Gynaecology Doctors
  • Clinical Nurse Specialist
  • Registered Nurses
  • Care Support Workers
  • Sonographers

All staff are experienced in early pregnancy care.

How to contact us

Barnsley Hospital Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit Tel - 01226 433972. 

Monday to Friday, 8am-8pm (Except Bank Holidays) 

Saturday to Sunday, 10am-5pm (Including Bank Holidays).

Please listen to all the options carefully.

Managing Early Pregnancy Complications

Under 6 Weeks Gestation:

  • Contact GP or the unit directly for symptoms of pain or bleeding.
  • Initial triage assessment over the phone.
  • Face-to-face assessment if required.

Over 6 Weeks Gestation:

  • Mild symptoms: Next available scan appointment.
  • Moderate symptoms: Attend the unit ASAP.
  • Severe symptoms: Attend the Emergency Department.

Ultrasound Scans

What does an ultrasound scan involve?

This involves an ultrasound scan probe being placed on your abdomen to allow the person scanning you to assess the pregnancy. 

Sometimes a trans-vaginal scan is required, a trans-vaginal scan involves an ultrasound scan probe being placed inside your vagina to allow the sonographer to see into the pelvis to assess the pregnancy. 

This is the most effective way of checking the pregnancy at an early stage.

Can someone attend the appointment with me?

You are welcome to bring along a supportive partner, family member or friend. 

Unfortunately, we don’t allow children onto the unit, as this is a sensitive area where some ladies are undergoing specialist treatments. 

If you have a problem arranging for someone to care for your children whilst you attend for your appointment please speak to a member of staff.

Following the scan:

  • Ladies who have an ongoing pregnancy will be discharged back to the care of their midwife, with further advice and support regarding their symptoms.
  • Ladies who are diagnosed with a pregnancy loss will be offered treatment or advice depending on the type of pregnancy loss.
  • If we have been unable to determine the viability of the pregnancy, further tests will be carried out which may include a blood test to detect a pregnancy hormone called BHCG, or a repeat scan and  follow-up appointment.

Types of early pregnancy loss


Miscarriage is the most common type of pregnancy loss. Approximately 1 in 4 to 5 pregnancies ends in a miscarriage. For many people who experience miscarriage it isn’t just a physical loss, but the loss of hopes and dreams for the future.

We appreciate that this is a very difficult and painful time, this leaflet aims to answer some of the many questions you will have about what has happened.

Why Me - Leaflet (Miscarriage Association)

Less-common types of pregnancy loss: Ectopic and Molar pregnancies

Ectopic Pregnancy

This is a pregnancy that is growing outside of the womb in the wrong place - usually in one of the fallopian tubes leading to the uterus.

This affects around 1 in 800 pregnancies it can be a life-threatening condition and the baby can never be saved.

Ectopic Pregnancy - Leaflet (Miscarriage Association)

Molar Pregnancy

This term is used when an abnormal fertilised egg starts to grow in the uterus.

The cells that should become the placenta grow too quickly and leave no room for a baby to develop.

Molar Pregnancy - Leaflet (Miscarriage Association)

Visit the Miscarriage Association and The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust websites, where you can access a wide range of information, and the different ways in which you can access support.

Treatment options

In some miscarriages the uterus (womb) empties itself completely. But in others an ultrasound scan shows that the baby has died or not developed but has not yet been miscarried.

Below are the different ways this kind of miscarriage can be managed and what you might expect for each option.

  • Natural management: Many people are able to return home after their scan where their miscarriage will complete naturally, follow up care will be arranged and support available.
  • Medical management which involves taking medication.
  • Surgical management with either a general or local anaesthetic.

Nursing staff will discuss treatments with ladies more in-depth and on an individual basis as not all treatments are suitable for all ladies.

Aftercare support

An early pregnancy loss can be a deeply distressing experience - both physically and emotionally and we want to ensure that you are able to access the support you need during this difficult time. 

Ladies who are experiencing a loss are given contact numbers and information on how to obtain support from our pregnancy loss support midwife and the Miscarriage Association.

Thinking about having another baby

Experiencing pregnancy loss or losses can change the way you think and feel about another pregnancy. You are likely to want to do what you can to reduce risk and increase the chance of a successful pregnancy. 

The NHS conception and pregnancy advice has lots of information to help support you in future pregnancies, along with the support groups listed.

Once you have been discharged from our care you can still contact us if you have any questions or problems.

Source URL: https://www.barnsleyhospital.nhs.uk/services/maternity/early-pregnancy-unit

List of links present in page
  1. https://www.barnsleyhospital.nhs.uk/services/maternity/early-pregnancy-unit
  2. https://www.miscarriageassociation.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/37844_Miscarriage_MiscarriageWhyMe_Web.pdf
  3. https://www.miscarriageassociation.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Ectopic-Pregnancy-1.pdf
  4. https://www.miscarriageassociation.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Miscarriage_Molar-Pregnancy_16pp_Web.pdf
  5. https://www.miscarriageassociation.org.uk/
  6. https://ectopic.org.uk/
  7. https://www.miscarriageassociation.org.uk/
  8. https://www.nhs.uk/pregnancy/trying-for-a-baby/planning-your-pregnancy/
  9. https://www.miscarriageassociation.org.uk/
  10. https://ectopic.org.uk/
  11. https://simbacharity.org.uk/
  12. https://4louis.co.uk/
  13. https://www.tommys.org/
  14. https://www.sands.org.uk/