Barnsley Wellbeing Program

Barnsley Wellbeing Program

The Barnsley Wellbeing Programme is a BMBC Public Health funded initiative that offers support to patients wishing to make positive lifestyle changes. BPL offer patients a combination of 1:1 and group support to increase awareness of diet, nutrition and physical activity to encourage them to make positive lifestyle changes.

Barnsley premier leisure

The Barnsley Wellbeing Programme is a BMBC Public Health funded initiative that offers support to patients wishing to make positive lifestyle changes. BPL offer patients a combination of 1:1 and group support to increase awareness of diet, nutrition and physical activity to encourage them to make positive lifestyle changes.

What are the referral criteria for the programme?

Inclusion CriteriaExclusion Criteria
  • BMI 25 or above
  • Controlled Type II Diabetes
  • Controlled Asthma
  • Hypercholesterolemia
  • Obesity
  • Mild Anxiety
  • Mild Depression
  • Mild Hypertension
  • Pregnancy
  • Stress
  • Patients requiring non-urgent surgical procedure
  • Cardiac Disease
  • Pulmonary Disease
  • Any unstable or uncontrolled medical condition
How Much Does it Cost

The programme is free for patients to attend. Patients are entitled free unlimited use of all BPL facilities including gym, swim and group exercise classes.

Where Can Patients Attend The Programme

Patients can attend the programme at any BPL facility in Barnsley. These are Dearneside Leisure Centre, Dorothy Hyman Sports Centre, Hoyland Leisure Centre, Metrodome Leisure Complex and Royston Leisure Centre.

What support will patients receive?
  • Weeks 1-4: weekly 1:1; including initial consultation, gym induction, personalised exercise programme and review at week 4
  • Weeks 5-10: weekly group educational session (attendance optional)
  • Weeks 11 -12: patients are encouraged to attend the final 2 weeks of the programme under their own motivation and habits built over the previous 10 weeks
What happens after the 12-week programme?

Once patients complete the 12-week Wellbeing Programme, they will be offered the opportunity to attend further sessions through the Health Referral Scheme. This programme is a 12-week programme where patients will continue to be supported by qualified staff and receive regular appointments to monitor their health and progress. This programme is not a free programme and patients would need to self-fund should they wish to attend.

Contact Information  

Referral Office 01226 738657

Secure Email:

Address: Metrodome Leisure Complex, Queens Road, Barnsley S71 1AN 

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