COVID Medicine Delivery Unit (CMDU)

COVID Medicine Delivery Unit (CMDU)

COVID Medicine Delivery Unit (CMDU) provides access to COVID treatments for non-hospitalised patients believed to be at greatest risk of disease progression, hospitalisation or death. The treatments are a key element in the offer to higher risk patients, reducing hospital admissions and death.

A healthcare worker in full PPE after taking a covid-19 sample from a patient/they are holding the swab and placing it in a test tube.

Healthcare provided

The Barnsley Hospital CMDU service is located in the Discharge Lounge (Ward 16) and is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm (excluding bank holidays).

Patients who test positive (following a PCR test) for COVID-19 and meet the high risk patient criteria will be referred to the Barnsley CMDU service by NHS Track and Trace.

Patients will then be contacted by a clinician from the Barnsley CMDU service for an initial telephone review for eligibility – where appropriate patients will be subsequently offered treatment and go through a consent process.

If a patient isn’t contacted by a member of the Barnsley CMDU service they are encouraged to contact their GP who can make a subsequent referral via the eRS system.

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