Volunteer James Halls Story
Meet James Hall, who alongside his meet & greet role is also a pharmacy volunteer.
Say hi to James, who is one of the hospital volunteers and has been with the trust for two and a half years, James is 84 but enjoys getting his weekly steps in around the hospital, helping patients and staff. After a series of challenging personal events James decided he needed to do something to ‘save himself’.
Prior to COVID James sadly lost his wife and suffered his own personal health issues. He decided he needed to do something to get back into a routine and to get back out there, he decided volunteering at Barnsley Hospital was the perfect place. The Trust is where he and his late wife had received treatment. James started his volunteering in the meet and greet role, working every Tuesday afternoon.
The Trust developed a new role and James felt this would be perfect for him. The newly developed pharmacy role, that supports in delivering non-controlled drugs to inpatient’s wards. James explained how grateful the staff in the pharmacy and wards are for his help and support.
James explained it helps them so much and saves time for the patients waiting for their medication. James says he loves this role because he knows how many people he is helping. As James was the first volunteer to do this role he has also being supporting the training of two new volunteers into this role, who do different afternoons throughout the week.
James further explained some afternoons he can do circa 24 visits to different wards all around the hospital and enjoys having his fit bit keeping track of his steps.
As part of this role, James overcame a personal fear that he had around attending ward 24 (Chemo Unit). This is where James’s wife had received her treatment and sadly passed away. He spent weeks looking at the pigeon hole but felt too anxious to go up to the unit. After a few weeks James decided it was something he wanted to face head on. He felt highly emotional visiting the area, but he says it helped him so much and he felt so proud of himself for overcoming something that was so personally emotional.
James volunteers 12 hours per week and has made great friendships with some of his fellow volunteers, he made special mention to Julie and Anne who always offer a listening ear and support him in any way they can.
Thank you, James,