High Dependency Unit
The High Dependency Unit (HDU) provides care for patients who have undergone extensive surgery or require extra support and monitoring and require high dependency nursing. The unit also accepts emergency admissions from other hospital departments.

Healthcare provided
A high dependency unit is an area in a hospital on the surgical wards, where patients can be cared for more extensively than on a normal ward, but not to the point of intensive care. It is appropriate for patients who have had major surgery and for those with single-organ failure.
The High Dependency Unit (HDU) provides a service of care for very ill or injured patients. Patients on HDU need constant medical support and may require extra monitoring, help with their breathing or they have a severe infection, and need to be cared for using specialist equipment or resources.
Our HDU consists of 4 combined adult beds. One area is screened with the facility to care for patients vulnerable to infections. However, there are no cubicles within the unit.
The unit admits approximately 500 patients per year. Patients are transferred to the unit from all specialities, including ENT, colorectal and upper GI surgery, acute medicine, trauma and orthopaedics.
If a relative of yours is admitted to HDU, they will be cared for by a specially trained and qualified nurse at all times. This nurse may also be caring for another patient at the same time. Each patient’s privacy, dignity, religious and cultural needs will be respected at all times.
A shared care system operates on the unit. This means that the consultant on the ward who your relative was originally admitted under and the HDU consultant anaesthetists will share the medical management of your relative.
Get in touch
Call us on
01226 435380
Visiting times
Visiting times are between 3.30pm to 5.00pm and 6.30pm to 8.00pm.
As high dependency care is a sensitive area with very sick people being treated on it, we ask that only close family relative’s visit patients on HDU. This is in the interest of all our patients and their families. There are strict visiting times so that patients are able to get their rest and our teams can carry out their work effectively.
Seriously ill patients can be visited at anytime and we can sometimes arrange for close relatives to stay overnight. Any visitor needing to visit outside the scheduled visiting times will only be allowed to do so in exceptional circumstances. This should be arranged with the HDU staff in advance.