Maternity Ultrasound
We see all women, non-binary people and trans men who have chosen to have their baby at Barnsley Hospital. We offer a variety of ultrasound scans at different stages of pregnancy.
Getting to your ultrasound appointment
We are situated on the ground floor of Women's Services, to the left of reception.
Our opening times are:
Monday to Friday, 8:00am to 6:00pm
Get in touch
Call about Obstetric appointments on
01226 431799
For all other appointments call
01226 434343
What services do we provide?
We see all women who have chosen to have their baby at Barnsley Hospital.
We offer a variety of ultrasound scans at different stages of pregnancy including:
- early pregnancy scans (booked via EPGA)
- dating scans (to include first trimester screening)
- anatomy and placental localisation (A&P) scans booked between 18 to 20+6 weeks of pregnancy
- growth scans
- placental localisation
- gynaecology scans
What happens when you attend the department?
Please book in at the maternity reception where you will be directed to the scan department.
Please ensure you attend on time and have followed any preparation instructions highlighted on your appointment letter.
Your scan will be performed by sonographers who are highly trained and skilled in ultrasound techniques. Both male and female sonographers work in the department.
Please be aware that the purpose of your anatomy scan is not to determine the gender of your baby. This is an important scan to look at the structure and development of your baby and several checks and measurements are undertaken.
If you do wish to find out the sex of your baby, the sonographer will communicate this verbally directly, at the time of your scan. Please note we will not write down the sex of your baby for the purpose of gender reveals.
Scan pictures of your baby are available to purchase after your scan. One picture is £5 or 3 pictures for £10. The payment kiosk accepts cash, card, Apple pay and Android pay. No change is given.