Patient Transport
Support getting to and from hospital.
Support provided
Each patient should be able to get to and from the hospital in a reasonable time and in reasonable comfort without detriment to their medical condition.
Where it is needed, the Barnsley Hospital patient transport services aims to provide a quality, punctual and professional service. Patient transport aims to support and complement the provision of healthcare at Barnsley Hospital.
The majority of patients coming to the hospital for an appointment do not need professional help to do this; they are able to transport themselves.
For some patients, travelling to hospital by public transport is impossible because of their medical condition. For these patients, we have a non-emergency transport service that offers the patient the ability to get to and from hospital, alongside trained medical personnel who can assist them throughout their journey.
Am I eligible for patient transport?
Non-emergency patient transport will only be arranged where it is judged by a medically qualified professional that the patient’s health would suffer through the use of public or private transport.
To qualify for patient transport the patient will have:
- a medical condition that affects their mobility so they cannot use public or private transport
- a need for the facilities available on an ambulance (such as oxygen)
- the need for the help of a crew in order to travel safely.
If you feel you have a medical need for transport but are not sure if you are eligible, please contact your doctor or nurse to discuss this.
Booking and cancelling
If you are eligible, the department or ward can book you the necessary transport. Alternatively, you can contact Yorkshire Ambulance Service direct on 0300 330 2000.
Please note that patient transport must be requested at least 48 hours prior to your appointment.
If transport is booked for you and your appointment is either changed or cancelled for any reason, please remember to contact us so that we can change the transport booking as well.
If you need to cancel or rearrange transport because your circumstances have changed, please call us on Yorkshire Ambulance Service direct on 0300 330 2000.
Please remember that you will be asked questions to determine your eligibility for transport, when you call Yorkshire Ambulance.
Escorts or companions
Relatives are asked to meet the patient at the hospital. The patient transport service provides skilled and qualified staff who will in most cases, fully meet the needs of patients during their journey.
From July 2010, relatives, carers (paid or unpaid) or friends (escorts) may no longer be able to accompany you on your trip to NHS premises via patient transport.
Exceptions are made for parents or carers accompanying all children (under 16 years of age), or adults who are considered to be vulnerable. A vulnerable adult is often someone who has a disability, such as dementia or a learning disability.
Get in touch
Call Yorkshire Ambulance on
0300 330 2000
Help with travel costs
If you are claiming certain benefits, you could be able to claim back your travel costs between home and hospital when attending for treatment.
Whether it’s an outpatient, inpatient or day care appointment, simply pick up or print out a claim form, fill it in and take it to the cashier’s office behind the main hospital reception. Claim forms are available from the department you visit and main reception. Remember to take along proof of entitlement and proof of travel such as a bus ticket, as payment cannot be made otherwise.
Restrictions apply such as travel by taxi. For full terms and conditions, please ensure you check the claim form carefully or speak to a member of the team at the cashier’s office. Patients not eligible for hospital transport may obtain a cash refund for travel expenses when travelling by public transport to the hospital, if they are in receipt of one of the following:
- income support
- working families tax credit
- income-based job-seekers allowance
Patients in receipt of mobility allowance should (except in exceptional circumstances), make their own way to hospital, using those monies which are paid specifically ‘to help them get around.' This includes attending hospital appointments.