The Well - Complementary Therapy Centre
This is a service for people affected by cancer in Barnsley, providing six free beauty and complementary therapies for people of all genders.

Support provided
The Well delivers high standards of care and support to people affected by cancer via complementary therapies. The aim of each therapy is to promote health and well-being in individuals, enabling them to live a life beyond a cancer diagnosis. The health benefits are physical and psychological.
Therapies include acupuncture, massage, Reiki, reflexology, paraffin wax treatments and a range of beauty therapies. There is also a tailor-made headwear service located on the chemotherapy unit. Patients can buy hats & scarves at cost price and learn how to tie scarves following chemotherapy. The Well will also offer advice on how to look after your nails, scalp and hair during and after treatment for cancer. A service offering make up based eyebrow replacement is also available.
The service is open Monday to Friday and is on an appointments basis only.
The Well staff maintain close liaison with the hospital’s cancer teams. The service is supported by volunteers, some of whom have been affected by cancer, and who provide a wonderful meet and greet, and reception service.
If you are a person affected by cancer in Barnsley and you would like to access The Well, please speak with a member of your care team in the hospital, who can refer you.
Alternatively, you can contact The Well directly to speak to one of the team.
Related links
Get in touch
Call The Well on
01226 733019
Noelynne's story
Noelynne speaks about how The Well supported her.