Car parking at the hospital
If you are travelling to an appointment or visiting by car, please allow extra time to park, as spaces fill up quickly during peak times.

Public car parking
The first 15 minutes of parking is free in most of our car parks - this is great if you are just picking up or dropping off, someone.
The car parks have CCTV, and security staff patrol regularly. There are also dedicated car parking spaces for disabled drivers.

Accessibility and travel information
Visit the AccessAble website for accessibility information and directions for visiting our car parks.
Parking charges
We regret we have to charge for parking at all. However, the cost of security and maintenance for our car parks means we have to ask for a modest charge; so we don’t divert money away from patient care.
The hospital operates a pay-on-foot system. This means you need to pay at a pay station before returning to your car. You will be unable to exit the car park if you do not pay. There are pay stations located in each of the public car parks, and one near the main hospital reception. These pay stations take coins and notes and give change.
- 0 to15 minutes FREE
- 0 to 1 Hour, £1.30 (£1.50 from 14 October 2024)
- 1 to 2 Hours, £2.80 (£3.20 from 14 October 2024)
- 2 to 4 Hours, £4.10 (£4.70 from 14 October 2024)
- 4 to 24 Hours, £6.90 (£8.00 from 14 October 2024)
- weekly charge £10.00 (£11.50 from 14 October 2024)
Please note we do not use QR codes to collect payments in our car parks.
Please only use the payment machines in the hospital or in the car parks to make your payments.
Free car parking for disabled people
Disabled patients and visitors with a valid Blue Badge receive free parking for the duration of their attendance at - or visit to - the hospital.
How to claim free parking using your Blue Badge
- Before driving to the exit take your blue badge and your parking ticket to the car park pay machine.
- Insert your ticket and the balance to pay will be displayed on the screen.
- Place the barcode on your Blue Badge in the ‘Receipt’ face-up. This will change the amount due to £0.00.
- Take your car parking ticket and use it to exit the car park.
Register for easy access
You can register for free parking with the Car Parking team by providing a copy of your Blue Badge. You will need to provide the barcode, expiry date, your name and car registration number (you can record a maximum of two registrations, with one vehicle on-site at any one time). To register your car please email the details to
Whilst all of the car parking pay-stations are located at key entrances to the hospital, we appreciate this may be difficult for users with mobility issues. Blue Badge owners are permitted to display their clock-dial disc in their car, (which is usually used to indicate arrival time), and take their blue badge with them to use at the pay-machine.
The time clock-dial is not relevant at the hospital, as free parking for Blue Badge holders is not time limited. It is merely an indication to show that the car is owned by, or being used by a Blue Badge holder.
If you require any further assistance please see the Security Team (located at Main Reception), or call 01226 431837.
Other people who can park for free
Parents and carers
If you are the parent or guardian, of a child or young person, you can park at the hospital for free.
Your child must be under 18 years of age and an outpatient (staying overnight).
You will be granted free parking for the duration of your child's stay. This is limited to one vehicle per a child.
Parking will be provided free to all outpatients who attend hospital for appointments, at least 3 times within a month, and for an overall period of at least 3 consecutive months (a minimum of 9 attendances).
A ‘month’ is defined as a period of 30 days.
Valid car parking receipts will be required for any claims which are made through our cashier’s office.
Please be aware you cannot claim for parking costs as a frequent outpatient attender, if you already claim them as part of the Healthcare Travel Costs Scheme (HTCS).
You can apply for the HTCS if you get any of these benefits:
- Income Support
- income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Working Tax Credit with Child Tax Credit
- Working Tax Credit with a disability element, or a severe disability element
- Child Tax Credit but you’re not eligible for Working Tax Credit
- Pension Credit - Guarantee Credit
- Universal Credit - if you meet additional criteria
Claiming twice will be treated as NHS fraud