Meals and menus
Nutritious and balanced meals are provided for patients, from menus which have been designed with input from Trust dieticians.

Our menus
Our standard menu includes a continental breakfast including toast and porridge. For lunch and supper, we offer a selection of hot and cold meals.
Hot drinks and squash is served 7 times per day and biscuits are provided as snacks.
The Hospital caters for a wide range of diets including:
- vegetarian
- vegan
- gluten free
- kosher
- halal
Meals can be:
- softer options
- higher energy
- finger food
A range of specialised diets can be provided for – such as for patients who have swallowing issues (dysphagia).
On most wards you will be able to choose your own meal, no more than one meal in advance.
Allergies and dietary needs
Each ward has a food allergen file which contains details of any and all allergens, in our patient meals. Please ask a member of the nursing team if you need access to the file.
If your stay in Hospital is longer than two weeks, we can arrange to provide an extended menu choice.
We are always very happy to receive patient feedback to ensure we provide the best possible service. Ward catering surveys are conducted on a monthly basis and we aim to respond to comments within 24 hours.
Members of the catering management team are always available to answer any questions regarding your food during your stay in hospital. Contact telephone numbers are available from ward nursing staff on request.