Learning Disabilities and Autism

Learning Disabilities and Autism

Barnsley Hospital’s mission is to provide the best possible care for the people of Barnsley and beyond at all stages of their life. 

As part of this mission, we aim to provide people with learning disabilities and autistic people with the same access to treatments and care as anyone else. We aim to work with and for people with learning disabilities, autistic people and their carers and loved ones.

A nurse reads a care plan

The Learning Disability and Autism Liaison Nurse

The Learning Disability and Autism Liaison Nurse works across wards including the inpatient, outpatient and emergency departments. Their role is to ensure that any adult or child with a learning disability, and any adult or child who is autistic, receives additional support if required, in order to access hospital services. 

Hospital Passports 

Hospital passports are often used by people who have a learning disability or are autistic.  

A hospital passport is a document that collates vital information on the patient, in an easily accessible format. 

The use of hospital passports includes information about a person’s health needs, interests, likes, dislikes, how a person communicates and any reasonable adjustments that they might need.  

More information on hospital passports can be found on Mencap’s website.  

You can download the National Autistic Society's health passport template.

To request a sample of a hospital passport for people with learning disabilities, please email our Learning and Disability and Autism Liaison nurse on: tr.ldasupport@nhs.net

On-site care and support

Over 40% of carers recently surveyed told us they had missed at least one hospital appointment for their own healthcare needs, due to their caring responsibilities.

Our Patient Experience and Voluntary Services team have worked together with our Learning Disability and Dementia teams to ensure that on-site care and support can be provided to those who need it whilst their carer is attending an appointment at Barnsley Hospital.

For more information and support contact the Patient Experience team on: 01226 434922

Source URL: https://www.barnsleyhospital.nhs.uk/patients/learning-disabilities-and-autism

List of links present in page
  1. https://www.barnsleyhospital.nhs.uk/patients/learning-disabilities-and-autism
  2. https://www.mencap.org.uk/advice-and-support/health-coronavirus/health-guides
  3. https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/topics/physical-health/my-health-passport
  4. mailto:tr.ldasupport@nhs.net
  5. https://www.barnsleyhospital.nhs.uk/patient-experience-and-engagement
  6. https://www.barnsleyhospital.nhs.uk/patients/dementia-support
  7. Tel:01226 434922
  8. https://www.barnsleyhospital.nhs.uk/sites/default/files/2023-08/health_passport_a4_editable_.pdf