Coping with Infant crying

Coping with Infant crying

“Babies Cry, You Can Cope – never, ever shake or hurt a baby” is the message from ‘ICON’ – a new programme of intervention that aims to help parents and carers to cope with a crying baby.

ICON (Coping with Infant crying) logo

Developed by the Hampshire Safeguarding Children Partnership and the NHS, ICON involves midwives, health visitors, GPs and other professionals, who work with families, from a range of different organisations. It focuses on highlighting to parents and carers how they can cope with a crying baby and help to avoid them losing control and potentially harming a baby.

ICON represents the following important messages for parents and carers of babies and young children:

  • – Infant crying is normal and it will stop
  • C– Comforting can sometimes soothe the baby – is the baby hungry, tired or in need of a nappy change
  • O– It’s okay to walk away for a few minutes if the crying is getting too much for you but you must leave the baby so it is safe, and return to check on the baby once you are calm
  • N– Never shake or harm a baby; it can cause lasting damage or death
Curves of Early Infant Crying - 2 weeks to 4-5 months
This graph shows the normal pattern of early infant crying from 2weeks to 4-5 months.
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