Staying in hospital

Staying in hospital

If you are staying in our hospital for one night or more, you are an “inpatient.”  

An older patient smiles in bed as a nurse inputs information on a tablet.

The following list is a guideline of what we recommend you bring with you for your hospital stay.  

It’s also a good idea to check your admissions letter to make sure you have included any additional items not listed here that you’ve been asked to bring in. 

What to bring to hospital

What to bring:

  • night clothes/pyjamas  
  • dressing gown and slippers 
  • casual clothes/leisure wear  
  • towels  
  • toiletries (such as soap, shampoo, toothpaste and shaving gel) 
  • dentures - and a pot and cleaner - if you use them 
  • books or magazines or any other hobby which will help you pass the time (such as knitting or handheld video games) 
  • reading glasses, if you need them 
  • some money to buy items such as newspapers from the hospital trolley, or cards for the patient entertainment system  
  • any medicines that you are taking

What not to bring to hospital:

  • large amounts of money 
  • valuable (monetary or sentimental) jewellery 

You may bring your mobile phone but please be aware that staff may ask you to limit phone calls for the sake of confidentiality, privacy and noise control. 

We will provide you with a small bedside locker for your clothes and other belongings but we cannot accept responsibility for any items lost during your stay. 

If you are expecting to be in hospital a while and normally receive a state pension, or any other form of state benefit, please contact your benefits office to let them know about your stay. 

You can read our, “Your Hospital Stay" booklet for a complete guide to being an inpatient at Barnsley Hospital. This booklet is given to all patients in printed form, upon admission.   

The #EndPJParalysis campaign

At Barnsley Hospital we support and promote the #endPJParalysis campaign.  

Evidence suggests that patients lose 1-5% of their muscle strength every day they stay in bed. Skin breakdown, pressure sores, confusion and fatigue can also be side effects.  

We ask that you bring clothes to wear during the day which is different to your night clothes. Changing into different clothes at the start of each day is proven to help aid your recovery. By maintaining a typical routine, you are likely to return home sooner. 

If a friend or family member has had to come into the hospital, please help them understand the importance of bringing alternative clothes to wear during the day. 

On the day of your admission to hospital

  • Please check your admissions letter for the time you need to come into the hospital for.   
  • If you get a cough or cold and are not sure whether you should come in, phone the number on your admissions letter for advice.   
  • On arrival, you will be given more information about the people and procedures involved in your care. Please let the nurse know if you have any accessibility requirements such as a disability, sight or hearing impairment, speech impairment or cultural needs.   
  • All patients are given a wrist band which must be worn at all times as it has important information about you for staff. Please inform a member of staff if you lose or damage your wristband.   

Before your treatment starts, your doctor will come and see you to check how you are. They will discuss your treatment in more detail. If you have any more questions or concerns at this point, please mention these to your doctor. You may be asked to sign a consent form. This is required if you are due to undergo a procedure which requires anaesthetic, or there is the risk of significant side effects or complications from your treatment. Signing a consent form confirms you understand the treatment you will receive, and any possible risks and that you agree to the treatment.  

A relative or friend can come with you and can stay with you while you are admitted. If you are a day patient (outpatient) and are having any form of anaesthetic, we recommend that you arrange for someone to take you home. 

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