Parents’ guide to the joint hospital and community Infant Feeding Policy
This is a summary version of what the policy says Barnsley Hospital services and Barnsley Council services will do at different stages to support infant feeding.
Please ask your Midwife or a member of the 0-19 Public Health Nursing Service (PHNS) if you would like to see the full policy.
We support all parents or carers to develop close and loving relationships with their babies through their chosen method of feeding, throughout your feeding journey, with a ‘hands off’ approach.
We will encourage you to keep your baby close (day and night). Breast/chest-feeding makes a big contribution to good physical and emotional health, for your baby and you. Therefore, we will encourage and support you to breast/chest-feed your baby for as long as you wish.
We aim to give information to all parents and carers in a way they can understand, that is family-centred and non-judgemental. All staff are trained to UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative standards.
All families will given information on how to access Healthy Start and vitamins supplementation up to 4 years of age.