Applying for an apprenticeship

Applying for an apprenticeship

Guidance on the interview process.

Young man in a suit

Before your interview

Always give yourself time to get to the interview – you have been shortlisted, now it is up to YOU :)

  • Remember first impressions count
  • Make sure you have planned how to get to the interview
  • Arrive on time

When you attend for interview, included in the criteria we shall assess you on are:

  • Appearance – dress as you would to impress an employer! This could be:
    • Smart suit
    • Shirt, Trousers + Tie [school trousers and shirt would be fine]
    • Skirt / Trousers and Shirt or dress – not too short
    • Smart, appropriate ethnic dress
  • School Reports – Attendance and time-keeping
  • Motivation and interest in your occupational choice

You will need to bring with you:

  • School reports, especially year 10 and 11 (if you do not have copies contact your school they may be able to provide you with copies)
  • College reports if you have attended college since leaving school
  • Your Progress File together with your GCSE and other certificates
  • Some form of identification – passport, birth certificate, bank statement, driving licence. At least one of these has to be photographic evidence
  • Employer references if you have been in employment

If you cannot provide the supporting information please contact the Vocational Training Office before the interview date to discuss this.

If there is anything you are worried about or if you want any additional information, please give us a call on 01226 432137.

At the interview

All applicants will be required to complete a short written test, indicating where they see themselves in five years’ time and what they need to do to achieve this.

  • Remember to Sell yourself
  • Two members of staff will conduct all candidate interviews
  • There will be set questions asked
  • You will be given the opportunity to ask questions

All applicants are scored against a set criteria and failure to provide the above supporting information could affect your score.

We know that, for many of you, this may be your first interview. Our recruitment programme is supported by a team of friendly, helpful staff, who have a great deal of experience working with young people – many of our staff have, themselves, come into employment in the NHS through the Apprenticeship route and understand how you may be feeling at this time.

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  2. tel:01226432137