
Nose injury - children

Nose injury - children

The nose may be swollen because of bruise or a being broken. The treatment is the same so an x-ray is not needed. Ice packs to the nose help reduce the swelling. Paracetamol and ibuprofen help with the pain.

What to do if your child gets a nose bleed

  1. Pinch the fleshy part of the nose firmly between the index finger and thumb for 15 minutes continuously.
  2. Hold head down and spit any blood in the mouth into a bowl.
  3. If bleeding continues for more than 15 minutes come back to the Emergency Department.


How can I help prevent further nose bleeds?

You should:

  • encourage your child not to pick or blow their nose
  • avoid giving your child hot food and drinks for 24hours after a nosebleed ends
  • avoid letting your child have hot baths for 24hours after a nosebleed ends

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Will my child’s nose be deformed?

The nose may look deformed if it is swollen more on one side. When the swelling has gone, after a few days, most children have no significant deformity.

Occasionally surgery is needed to straighten the nose. This should be done within 14 days ( 2 weeks) of the injury.

Does my child need follow up?

Minor bruises to the nose will generally heal well and do not need follow up.

If surgery to straighten the nose is being considered you should have been given an ENT (Ears, Nose and Throat) appointment. If your child has a deformed nose and you have not been given an appointment for the ENT clinic, please ring the Emergency Department on: 01226 432066

Reviewed by Dr A White in October 2023, next review in October 2026.

If you need this information in an alternative format, please contact the Patient Experience and Engagement Team on 01226 434922.

Nëse ju nevojitet ky informacion në një format të ndryshëm, ju lutemi të kontaktoni ekipin e Eksperiencës së Pacientit dhe të Angazhimit në:01226 434922.

Если вам нужна эта информация в другом формате, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с отделом по работе с пациентами и взаимодействию с ними по тел: 01226 434922.

Jeśli te informacje są wymagane w innej formie, prosimy skontaktować się z Zespołem ds. doświadczenia i zaangażowania pacjenta na numer: 01226 434922.

Dacă aveți nevoie de aceste informații într-un format alternativ, vă rugăm să contactați echipa care se ocupă de experienţele şi angajamentul pacientului la nr: 01226 434922.

Ha erre az információra alternatív formátumban van szüksége, kérjük, lépjen kapcsolatba a Patient Experience and Engagement Teammel (Betegélmény és elkötelezettség csoport) a következő telefonszámon: 01226 434922.

Source URL: https://www.barnsleyhospital.nhs.uk/services/a-and-e/nose-injury-children

List of links present in page
  1. https://www.barnsleyhospital.nhs.uk/services/a-and-e/nose-injury-children
  2. Tel: 01226 432066
  3. tel:01226434922
  4. tel:01226434922
  5. tel:01226434922
  6. tel:01226434922
  7. tel:01226434922
  8. tel:01226434922