Please wear a mask in clinical areas of the hospital

Please wear a mask in clinical areas of the hospital

As Covid-19 and other respiratory virus cases in the community are decreasing, and the patient numbers in the hospital become more stable, we are relaxing our requirement for everyone to wear a surgical mask at all times in the hospital.

Press release
A nurse speaks to a patient who is seated

In order to protect the vulnerable people in our care, we require all colleagues to wear surgical masks while they are in clinical areas of the hospital. We ask that anyone else coming to the hospital do the same, whether as a patient or a visitor.

Surgical masks should be worn covering the nose and mouth at all times in clinical areas, and of course it remains vital that everyone in the hospital maintain good hand hygiene.

Face coverings help mitigate against respiratory infections, such as seasonal influenza and Covid-19 when used with other protective measures such as vaccination.

Thank you for your continued support.

Review of these arrangements

There could be circumstances which will lead to a recommendation from our infection prevention and control team for mask wearing to be reintroduced throughout the hospital.

We will keep mask wearing under regular review. It is expected that we will continue to adapt and scale our response to Covid-19 in accordance to community infection rates over the coming months.

If you have any questions or queries please speak with a member of staff who will happily help.

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