Specimen and request labelling

Specimen and request labelling

It is essential all users of Pathology services read and understand the Laboratory Clinical Sample Acceptance Procedure and the Trust Pathology Sample Acceptance Policy to minimise the risk to patients and avoid specimen rejection.

The request form should be accompanied by the correct sample. This should be transported to the laboratory within the special specimen bag attached to the request form.

Completing the request form

Ideally, it is preferable to send requests via the ClinSys ICE ordercomms system. This is beneficial for a number of reasons; it prompts for mandatory information required by the laboratory to carry out testing and it speeds up the sample receipt process. If handwritten forms must be used it is vital that the request form is completed accurately in accordance with the clinical acceptance policy and the requesting clinician’s name and location or address fully written.

Please note that abbreviations may result in the incorrect, clinically qualified persons - or locations - being selected and as a consequence, the results for the patient may be sent back to another clinician. Whilst the laboratory staff make every effort to minimise errors, staff can only book samples into the system with the information they are provided with.

Any deviation from the established collection procedures should be clearly recorded on the request form. The potential risk and impact on the patient outcome of acceptance or rejection of the sample shall be assessed, recorded and shall be communicated to the appropriate personnel.

Please note requests for Histology must be completed using a hand written request form. Please refer to the Cellular Pathology page for further information.

Please consider all these aspects when completing request forms

Clinical Information

Clinical details should also be included on the request. These can be significant to the results obtained and, in some cases, insufficient clinical details may mean that the request is rejected.

Clinician and location

Please ensure that the requesting Clinician (the consultant or GP or another requesting practitioner) AND location (the ward or clinic or surgery) are written in full on the request form. This ensures Pathology reports are returned to the correct clinician and location for action. As of 1 April 2023, failure to provide a clinician and or location will result in the sample being rejected.

“Danger of infection” stickers

Samples from patients with blood borne virus diseases present a particular hazard to laboratory staff. All infectious or potentially infectious specimens and their accompanying request forms should be clearly marked with “Danger of Infection” stickers. The range of investigations available on such specimens may be limited. Please contact the laboratory for further information.

Preparation for the patient and consent requirements

Certain tests require patient consent to be given due to the nature of the testing and the consequences of the results. Any genetics testing requested must have the patient’s informed consent prior to taking the sample. When the Sunquest ICE form is generated, it is assumed that the clinically qualified person named on the form has discussed the consequences of the results with the patient and obtained consent. Any manual forms must be signed by a clinically qualified person to indicate that consent has been obtained. Any special considerations for the preparation of a patient or requirements for the sample are provided in the test repertoire table. Please search for the test(s) required in the test repertoire table prior to taking samples.

Patients attending Phlebotomy Outpatients or the Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC) for blood tests

If the patient is to attend Phlebotomy Outpatients or the CDC for their blood test, please ensure they have been instructed on any pre-test requirements such as fasting. All patients should be given a postponed ICE request form or a manual request form that is completed accurately in accordance with the clinical acceptance policy. The requesting clinician’s name and location or address, should be fully written out. It is not acceptable for the patient to attend without a request form just because the order has been placed on ICE. There could be several postponed requests outstanding on ICE. The postponed request will indicate which request they are attending for, on that visit. Patients may be sent back to source if they present without a request form.

Delays in reporting

The Laboratory will notify users via the Trust communications system, of any delays to the testing or reporting of samples.

Source URL: https://www.barnsleyhospital.nhs.uk/pathology/general-information/request-forms

List of links present in page
  1. https://www.barnsleyhospital.nhs.uk/pathology/general-information/request-forms
  2. https://www.barnsleyhospital.nhs.uk/sites/default/files/2023-07/Laboratory-Clinical-Sample-Acceptance-Procedure.pdf
  3. https://www.barnsleyhospital.nhs.uk/sites/default/files/2023-07/Pathology-Sample-Acceptance.pdf
  4. https://www.barnsleyhospital.nhs.uk/sites/default/files/2023-07/Laboratory-Clinical-Sample-Acceptance-Procedure.pdf
  5. https://www.barnsleyhospital.nhs.uk/sites/default/files/2023-07/Pathology-Sample-Acceptance.pdf