Our Emergency Department is very busy right now and some people are experiencing long waits. If you do not require emergency care, please use an alternative such as 111 online.
Remember to wash your hands before and after taking blood samples.
The blood collection needles used are:
- Green 21G needle
- Blue 23G butterfly
The order of the draw should be:
- Blood culture
- Serum/serum gel
- Citrate
- Lithium Heparin
- Blood Transfusion EDTA
- Fluoride
Why was a blood sample rejected?
Sample rejections are preventable:
- samples should be ordered via the ICE system, ensuring that the print is readable
- aim to use good patient identification
- make sure you use blood bottles and safety needles, and ensure bottles are the right size for the patient - use adult bottles for adults, for example
- plan - use the correct order of draw, and ensure bottles are filled to the line
- look and think about the time that the tourniquet has been in-situ - the maximum time is 2 minutes (otherwise the sample will hemolyse and then be rejected)
- ensure that you only label at the bedside, ensuring the right patient and the right samples, and that all demographics are correct on every sample
- send to the labs as soon as possible
Following these guidelines will ensure your samples are of optimum quality and that they will not be rejected.
If you have any questions or require further information, please contact Kathryn Osbyrne (Clinical Skills) via telephone: 01226 435057