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Blood Sciences Test Repertoire

A comprehensive guide to blood sciences tests, test requirements, reference ranges, turn-around-times and where tests take place. The link below opens a spreadsheet for the full table, whilst the table below is less comprehensive but features relevant information at a glance.

As with any scientific measurement, all tests have an inherent level of uncertainty. Further information on this can be found on this page on the use of the Blood Science Laboratory.


Test table


Specimen Container


Sample TypeComments and special requirementsReference Ranges (Adult ranges stated unless otherwise specified)Average turnaround timeTesting LaboratoryDiscipline to refer to for clinical advice
BloodBabies should be over 48 hours old before testingAdult Ranges
Male - 0-4.9 nmol/L
Female - <5 nmol/L
3 WeeksSAS Centre for SteroidChemical Pathology
Blood Please refer to report4 WeeksSAS Centre for SteroidChemical Pathology
5-Hydroxyindole acetic acid (5-HIAA)24 Hour Acetic Acid Urine ContainerUrine 0 - 40 mmol/24 hours1 WeekRotherham Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Acetylcholine Receptor AntibodiesGel/Serum
Blood 0 - 0.2 nmol/L3 WeeksSheffield Protein Reference UnitChemical Pathology
Activated Protein C ResistanceCitrate
Blood1 x green if requesting APCR only, otherwise refer to Inherited Thrombophilia screen.
Part of the thrombophilia screen. Can be requested as an individual test if written in the clinical details.
Discuss with Haematology Consultants for testing approval. The citrated bottle must be filled up to the green line marked on the bottle label.  Send immediately to the labs for pre analytical processing. The ratio of anticoagulant to blood must be 1:9 therefore under or over-filling the bottle may affect the results and samples may not be tested.
See Referral ReportSheffield Royal Hallamshire CoagulationHaematology
Acquired Thrombophilia Screen (including DRVVT, anti-phospholipid and anti-cardiolipin antibodies)Citrated and Serum
(Green and Brown)

3 x Green- Should be received in the laboratory within 4hours of venepuncture.

See Referral Report

4 weeksSheffield Royal Hallamshire CoagulationHaematology
Acute Kidney Injury score (AKI calculation included as part of an U/E profile)Gel/Serum
Blood Calculated score of 0-3 indicating possible severity<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Acyl Carnitine ProfileGel/Serum
Blood Narrative Report4 WeeksSheffield Children's HospitalChemical Pathology
BloodDiscuss with Haematology Consultants for testing approval. The citrated bottle must be filled up to the green line marked on the bottle label. The ratio of anticoagulant to blood must be 1:9 therefore under or over-filling the bottle may affect the results and samples may not be tested. Send immediately to the labs for pre analytical processing. Phone the laboratory to inform them that the sample is on its way and is urgent.See Referral Report2 WeeksSheffield Royal Hallamshire CoagulationHaematology
Adenosine Deaminase Assay (ADA) for Diamond-Blackfan SyndromeEDTA
BloodOnly requestable by a Consultant Haematologist.Original report sent straight to the requesting clinician.8-12 WeeksLondon Purine Research Unit, Guys HospitalHaematology
Adrenal AntibodiesGel/Serum
Blood Negative4 WeeksSheffield Protein Reference UnitChemical Pathology
Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH)EDTA
Blood Please refer to report2 WeeksSheffield Royal Hallamshire HospitalChemical Pathology
Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT)Gel/Serum
BloodSee here for information about interferenceAdult Range 10 - 49 U/L<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Blood Adult: 35 ? 50 g/L
Age 0 to 1 year:  30 - 45g/L
1 year to 16 years: 30 - 50g/L                           
<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
BloodEnzymatic assay used - satisfactory for clinical purposes but not for medico-legal purposes.Mild Intoxication - 50mg/dL
Severe Intoxication - >300mg/dL
NB. Much inter-individual variation
<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
AldosteroneLithium Heparin
Blood Following overnight recumbancy - 100 - 450 pmol/L
When randomly taken  during the day - 100 - 850 pmol/L
2 WeeksLeeds SAS CentreChemical Pathology
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)Gel/Serum
Blood Age up to 1 month 70 - 380U/L
Age 1 month to 16 years 60 - 425U/L
Adult range 30 to 130U/L
<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Alkaline Phosphatase IsoenzymesGel/Serum
Blood Available only after discussion with the Chemical Pathologist.4 WeeksSheffield Royal Hallamshire HospitalChemical Pathology
Alpha thalassaemia DNA analysisEDTA
BloodOnly requestable by a Consultant Haematologist.Refer to the external report.8-12 WeeksOxford National Haemoglobinopathy Reference CentreChemical Pathology
Alpha-1-Acid Glycoprotein (Orosomucoid)Gel/Serum
Blood Male 5-50 Years- 0.6-1.2 g/L
Male over 50 Years- 0.8-2.0 g/L
Female 5-50 Years- 0.4-1.0 g/L
Female over 50 Years- 0.8-2.0 g/L
4 WeeksSheffield Protein Reference UnitChemical Pathology
Blood 1.10 - 2.10 g/L - Adult Range4 WeeksRotherham Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Alpha-1-Antitrypsin PhenotypeGel/Serum
Blood  4 WeeksSheffield Protein Reference UnitChemical Pathology
Blood Male - 1.3-3.5 g/L (>45yrs of age)
Female - 1.4-4.0 g/L (>45yrs of age)
4 WeeksSheffield Protein Reference UnitChemical Pathology
Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP)Gel/Serum
Blood 0 - 6.7 kU/L<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Alpha-Galactosidase ( for Fabry's test)EDTABlood Narrative ReportWeeksManchester, WillinkChemical Pathology
BloodOr ALU free specimen container.Please refer to report4 WeeksSheffield Northern General HospitalChemical Pathology
Amino Acids - PlasmaLithium Heparin
Blood Narrative Report3 WeeksSheffield Children's HospitalChemical Pathology
Amino Acids - UrineWhite Top UniversalUrine Narrative Report3 WeeksSheffield Children's HospitalChemical Pathology
Blood 0.6 - 2.5 mg/L4 WeeksSheffield Royal Hallamshire HospitalChemical Pathology
AmmoniaLithium Heparin
BloodSample to be taken in the hospital and delivered by hand promptly to the laboratory ON ICE. Do NOT send via the POD system.Age up to 1 month <100 umol/L
Age above 1 month <40 umol/L
<1 HourBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Blood 30 - 118 U/L<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Amylase - UrineWhite Top UniversalUrine 0 - 650 U/L<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Amylase IsoenzymesGel/Serum
Blood Available only after discussion with the Chemical Pathologist4 WeeksLondon Great Ormond Street HospitalChemical Pathology
Blood Please refer to report4 WeeksSheffield Protein Reference UnitChemical Pathology
Anabolic Steroids - Urine24 Hour Urine (Plain) Urine Please refer to report4 WeeksLondon SAS Steroid Profiling LaboratoryChemical Pathology
Anafranil (Clomipramine)Gel/Serum
Blood 20 - 70 ug/L4  WeeksSheffield Royal Hallamshire HospitalChemical Pathology
Blood Pre-pubertal male and female- <1.4 nmol/L
Provisional adult male- 1.3 - 5.8 nmol/L
Provisional adult female without PCO in early follicular phase- 1.1 - 5.7 nmol/L
3 WeeksLeeds SAS CentreChemical Pathology
Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)Gel/Serum
Blood 20-70 U/L1 WeekRoyal Hallamshire HospitalChemical Pathology
Ante-natal screening for sickle disease and thalassaemiaEDTA
BloodFamily Origin questionnaire initiates ante-natal sickle and thalassaemia screening. All information must be completed on the FOQ and signed by the midwife completing the form.
FBC must be tested within 24hrs of venepuncture. If not sending straight to lab, store at 4oC.
See haemoglobinopathy screen for reference range.Tested Monday to Friday TAT 72 HoursRotherham Hospital HaematologyHaematology
Anti- Smooth MuscleGel/Serum
BloodSample viable for 10 daysNegative2 WeeksRotherham Hospital ImmunologyHaematology
Anti thrombin IIICitrate
BloodPart of the Inherited thrombophilia screen. Can be requested as an individual test if written in the clinical details. 
1 x green if requesting APCR only, otherwise refer to Inherited Thrombophilia screen. 
Discuss with Haematology Consultants for testing approval. The citrated bottle must be filled up to the green line marked on the bottle label. The ratio of anticoagulant to blood must be 1:9 therefore under or over-filling the bottle may affect the results and samples may not be tested. Send immediately to the labs for pre analytical processing (within 4 hours of venepuncture).
Refer to report.4 WeeksSheffield Royal Hallamshire CoagulationHaematology
Anti-cardiolipin antibodies (includes IgG & IgM antibodies)Gel/Serum
BloodPart of the Acquired Thrombophlia screen. Can be requested individually.IgG - 0-10 GPLIU/ml
IgM - 0-7 MPLIU/ml
4 WeeksRotherham Hospital ImmunologyHaematology
Anti-CCP antibodiesGel/Serum
Blood 0 - 5.0 U/mL<1 Day (Monday to Friday)Barnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) or Arginine Vasporessin (AVP)Lithium Heparin
BloodNot routinely available - Discuss with Consultant prior to requesting.Please refer to reportNewcastle SAS LaboratoryChemical Pathology
Anti-gastric parietal cellGel/Serum
BloodSample viable for 10 days.
Only tested if specifically requested or if ANA result is positive.
Negative2 WeeksRotherham Hospital ImmunologyHaematology
Anti-Myelin Associated Glycoprotein Antibodies (anti-MAG)Gel/Serum
Blood Please refer to report4 WeeksSheffield Protein Reference UnitChemical Pathology
Anti-Neuronal (paraneoplastic) AntibodiesGel/Serum
Blood Please refer to report4 WeeksSheffield Protein Reference UnitChemical Pathology
Anti-nuclear antibodies (ANA)Gel/Serum
BloodSample viable for 10 days.
Positive results reflex for ENA & DNA testing.
Negative.2 WeeksRotherham Hospital ImmunologyHaematology
Anti-nuclear cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA)Gel/Serum
BloodSample viable for 10 days.
Positive results are batched and tested weekly for MPO & PR3.
Negative.3 WeeksRotherham Hospital ImmunologyHaematology
Blood Please refer to report4 WeeksSheffield Protein Reference UnitChemical Pathology
Blood Refer to external report.4 WeeksCity Hospital BirminghamChemical Pathology
Anti-Xa levelCitrate
BloodTaken 4 - 6 hours post-injection.
The citrated bottle must be filled up to the green line marked on the bottle label. The ratio of anticoagulant to blood must be 1:9 therefore under or over-filling the bottle may affect the results and samples may not be tested. Additional information required, Time and date of last injection, time and date sample was taken, type of heparin.
Refer to external report.2 WeeksSheffield Royal Hallamshire CoagulationHaematology
Ascorbic AcidGel/Serum
BloodNot routinely available - Discuss with Chemical Pathologist prior to requesting.Please refer to reportRotherham Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST)Gel/Serum
Blood Adult range <34 U/L<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Autoantibody screen: See anti-nuclear antibodiesGel/Serum
Blood  2 WeeksRotherham Hospital ImmunologyHaematology
Basement Membrane AntibodiesGel/Serum
Blood Negative2 WeeksRotherham Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
BloodPart of FBC.
Refer to FBC for request information. Not requestable alone.
14D - 0.00-0.20 x109/L
2M - 0.00-0.17 x109/L
1yr - 0.00-0.16 x109/L
12yr - 0.00-0.12 x109/L
>12yr - 0.00-0.10 x109/L
 Barnsley Hospital HaematologyHaematology
BCR-ABL (including T315 mutation)Please see link below for specimen requirements. Http://
All genetic studies require that patients have been appropriately counselled.
Samples collected on Fridays will NOT be processed.
Hardcopy report sent directly to the requesting clinician.8-12 WeeksSheffield Children's Hospital Genetics ServiceHaematology
Bence Jones Protein - UrineWhite Top UniversalUrineEarly AM UrineNegative1 WeekBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Beta 2-MicroglobulinGel/Serum
Blood 1.2 - 2.4 mg/L2 WeeksRotherham Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Blood Pregnancy - >25 U/L
Tumour Marker - <5 U/L
<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
BicarbonateHeparinised Blood Gas SyringeVenous GasOnly analysed as part of Blood Gas analysis22 - 26 mmol/L< 1 HourBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Bile AcidsGel/Serum
BloodIdeally collect fasting sample (results can be increased in non-fasting samples<10 umol/L1 WeekRotherham Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Bilirubin - ConjugatedGel/Serum
Blood 0 - 5 umol/L<3 HoursBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Bilirubin - TotalGel/Serum
Blood < 21 umol/L<3 HoursBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
BiotinidaseLithium Heparin
Blood 2.5 - 10.5 U/L4 WeeksSheffield Children's HospitalChemical Pathology
BloodRefer to FBC for request information. Not requestable alone. Expressed as an absolute value and percentage of the total white count if seen when examining a blood film.0.0-0.00 x109/LBarnsley Hospital HaematologyHaematology
Blood filmEDTA
BloodEDTA taken from the FBC sample.
Can be specifically requested but please provide clinical details.
Add ons must be requested asap within 24hrs. Blood film morphology cannot be accurately reviewed after this time.
Blood film generated on basis of FBC results.Blood films are reviewed within 24hrs. If consultant comments are required TAT can be up to 72hrs.Barnsley Hospital HaematologyHaematology
Blood GasesHeparinised Blood Gas SyringeArterial BloodPlease notify the laboratory.
Please send directly to the laboratory.
pH - 7.35 - 7.45
pCO2 - 4.5 - 6.1 kPa
pO2 - 12.0 - 15.0 kPa
Bicarbonate - 22 - 26 mmol/L
< 1 HourBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Bone Alkaline PhosphotaseGel/Serum
Blood Please refer to report3 WeeksSheffield Northern General HospitalChemical Pathology
Bone Marrow (Requested via HODS database)1 x Bone Marrow Aspirate in EDTA Tube
1 x Bone Marrow Aspirate in Sterile Universal
1 x Bone Marrow Trephine in Specimen Pot with Bone Marrow Medium
Bone MarrowOnly requestable by the Haematologists or after discussion with the Haematology medical team.See reportReport usually available within 7 days via HODS website. Password access only.Haematology
Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP)EDTA
BloodSeparate EDTA required from FBC/ESR/ HbA1cBNP <100 ng/L: Heart failure (HF) very improbable
BNP 100-500 ng/L: If clinical suspicion of HF then HF probable
BNP > 500 ng/L: HF very probable
<3 HoursBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Blood 0 - 0.25 mmol/L4 WeeksSheffield Royal Hallamshire HospitalChemical Pathology
C1 Esterase InhibitorEDTA
BloodPlease send 2 x EDTA samples. 0.15 - 0.43 g/L2-3 WeeksSheffield Protein Reference UnitChemical Pathology
Blood 0.75 - 1.65 g/L1 WeekRotherham Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Blood 0.14 - 0.54 g/L1 WeekRotherham Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Blood 0.20 - 0.60 g/L1 WeekRotherham Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
CaffeineLithium Heparin
BloodAnalysed on Tuesday.On high dose regime 10-35 mg/L4 WeeksSheffield Children's HospitalChemical Pathology
BloodDiscuss with Chemical Pathologist before requesting.
Fasting serum sample required.
Promptly deliver to laboratory on ice.
With report2 WeeksLondon SAS LaboratoriesChemical Pathology
Calcium - Urine24 Hour Urine HCL Urine ContainerUrine 2.5 - 7.5 mmol/24 hours<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Calcium ProfileGel/Serum
Blood Please see individual tests<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
BloodReference range for white Caucasions only (may be higher in other ethnic groups)1 month 2.0 - 2.7 mmol/L
1 month to 16 years 2.2 - 2.7 mmol/L
<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Adjusted CalciumGel/Serum
BloodReference range for white Caucasions only (may be higher in other ethnic groups)Adult Range 2.2 - 2.6 mmol/L<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
CalprotectinBlue Top Stool BottleFaeces  2 WeeksRotherham Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Blood Therapeutic  4 - 12 mg/L<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Carbohydrate Antigen 125 (CA 125)Gel/Serum
Blood 0 - 35 kU/L<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Carbohydrate Antigen 153 (CA 153)Gel/Serum
Blood 0 - 30 kU/L2 WeeksSheffield Protein Reference UnitChemical Pathology
Carbohydrate Antigen 199 (CA 199)Gel/Serum
Blood 0 - 35 kU/L<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Carbohydrate Deficient TransferrinGel/Serum
Blood With report4 WeeksSheffield Protein Reference UnitChemical Pathology
CarboxyhaemoglobinHeparinised Blood Gas SyringeArterial BloodNon-smokers = up to 1.5%
Smokers = up to 6.5%
Heavy smokers = up to 9.0%
When required (Inform the laboratory)Barnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA)Gel/Serum
Blood Non Smokers <2.5 ug/L
Smokers <5.0 ug/L
<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
CarnitineLithium Heparin
Blood Total - 23 - 60 umol/L
Free - 15 - 53 umol/L
4 WeeksSheffield Children's HospitalChemical Pathology
Catecholamines - Urine24 Hour Urine  HCL ContainerUrineThis test is subject to interference from a wide variety of drugs and other substances. Please see the table here to find out moreAdrenaline - 0 - 150 nmol/24 hours
Noradrenaline - 0 - 570 nmol/24 hours
Dopamine - 0 - 3240 nmol/24 hours
Metanephrine - 0 - 1.62 æmol/24 hours
Normetanephrine - 0 - 2.13 æmol/24 hours     
1 WeekRotherham Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
BloodSample must be kept at ambient room temperature. Sample must be tested within 24hrs of venepuncture.
Samples should not be sent to the laboratory on Friday.
See report4 WeeksRotherham Hospital HaematologyHaematology
Cell Markers including T SubsetsEDTA
BloodSample must be kept at ambient room temperature. Sample must be tested within 24hrs of venepuncture.
Samples should not be sent to the laboratory on Friday.
RHH can only process new suspected acute leukaemia's on Fridays.
Hardcopy report sent to the requesting clinician.4 WeeksSheffield Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Cell Marker LaboratoryHaematology
Chloride - SerumGel/Serum
Blood 95 - 108 mmol/L< 1 Day - if requestedBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Chloride - Urine24 Hour Urine Plain ContainerUrine 110 - 250 mmol/24 hours<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Cholesterol (Random)Gel/Serum
Blood See fasting lipid profile<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Cholinesterase - Acetyl (pesticide exposure)EDTA
BloodPlease send 2 x EDTA samples.4 WeeksBuxton Health Sciences GroupChemical Pathology
Cholinesterase - Pseudo  (scoline sensitivity)EDTA
Blood  4 WeeksBristol Cholinesterase Investigation UnitChemical Pathology
Cholinesterase (see Pseudocholinesterase)Gel/Serum
BloodDetails of anaesthetic sensitivity required.With report4 WeeksBristol Cholinesterase Investigation UnitChemical Pathology
Blood  4 WeeksBirmingham Trace Elements LaboratoryChemical Pathology
Chromogranin  AGel/Serum
Blood 0 - 60 pmol/L3 WeeksSheffield Protein Reference UnitChemical Pathology
Chromogranin BEDTA with Trasylol preservativeBloodContact Lab 4 WeeksLondon, SAS LaboratoriesChemical Pathology
Chromosomes  Patients must have been given genetic counselling prior to any samples being taken.
Samples collected on Fridays will not be processed.
Please see link below for specimen requirements. Http:// DNA is stored by SCH after testing.
Add on requests should be discussed with SCH directly.
Contact details for Sheffield Children's Hospital. Tel:+44(0)11427 17003 (Molecular) Tel:+44(0)11427 17021 (Cyto)
Hardcopy report sent directly to the requesting clinician.8-12 WeeksSheffield Children's Hospital Genetics ServiceHaematology
Chymotrypsin - FaecalBlue Top Stool container  Faeces With reportReferredLeeds, Department of Clinical BiochemistryChemical Pathology
C-KIT mutationEDTA
Peripheral blood or bone marrow in EDTAOnly requestable by Consultant Haematologists. Requests should be booked into HODS by the requesting Clinician.Refer to HODS database.8-12 WeeksHODS, Sheffield Royal Hallamshire HospitalHaematology
Blood 20 - 70 ug/LReferredSheffield Northern General HospitalChemical Pathology
Blood Please refer to reportReferredSheffield Royal Hallamshire HospitalChemical Pathology
Coagulation ScreenCitrate
BloodContact the lab for urgent requests.  The citrated bottle must be filled up to the green line marked on the bottle label. The ratio of anticoagulant to blood must be 1:9 therefore, under or over-filling the bottle may affect the results and samples may not be tested.
Sample viability: 8hrs from venepuncture.
Includes :- PT/PTT/FIB
Refer to individual tests for reference ranges<1 DayBarnsley Hospital HaematologyHaematology
Conjugated Bilirubin (? Gilberts syndrome)Gel/Serum
Blood  ReferredSheffield Children's HospitalChemical Pathology
Blood Male - 11-27.2 mmol/L
Female Adult <48yrs - 11 - 38.9 mmol/L     
Female >48yrs -  11-27.2 mmol/L   
 Rotherham Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Cortisol - SerumGel/Serum
BloodPlease note that cortisol should ideally be assessed early in the morning. Adrenal insufficiency can only be excluded by Short Synacthen Test. This method cross-reacts with Hydrocortisone and Prednisolone.
For more information on interferences see here
Adult ranges:
Morning: 140 - 500 nmol/L
Afternoon: 85-460 nmol/L
Midnight: <100 nmol/L
<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Cortisol - Urine24 Hour Urine Plain ContainerUrine 10-147 nmol/24 hoursReferredLeeds SAS Centre for Steroid HormonesChemical Pathology
Cows Milk Antibodies (Lactalbumin, Lactoglobulin & Casein)Gel/Serum
Blood Please refer to reportReferredSheffield Protein Reference UnitChemical Pathology
BloodSeparate immediately.Please refer to reportReferredSheffield Royal Hallamshire Hospital or The Clinical Laboratory, GuildfordChemical Pathology
C-Reactive Protein (CRP)Gel/Serum
Blood 0 - 5.0 mg/L<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Creatine Kinase (CK)Gel/Serum
Blood Up to 3 months 28 - 470 U/L
3 months to 1 year 24 - 240U/L
1 to 11 years 24 - 175U/L
11 to 15 years 24 - 175U/L
15 to 18 years 27 - 145U/L
Male above 18 years - 40 - 320 U/L
Female above 18 years  - 25 - 200 U/L
<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Creatinine (Serum)Gel/Serum

If patient treated with N-acetylcysteine results may be falsely low.
At toxic paracetamol levels,  paracetamol metabolites may also give falsely low creatinine results.

For more information on interferences in the creatinine assay please see here

Male, 0 - <14 days: 27 - 81 umol/L
Male, 14d - <1yr: 14 - 34 umol/L
Male, 1 - <3yr: 15 - 31 umol/L
Male, 3 - <5yr: 23 - 37 umol/L
Male, 5 - <7yr: 25 - 42 umol/L
Male, 7 - <9yr: 30 - 48 umol/L
Male, 9 - <11yr: 28 - 57 umol/L
Male, 11yr: 36 - 64 umol/L
Male, 12yr: 36 - 67 umol/L
Male, 13yr: 38 - 76 umol/L
Male, 14yr: 40 - 83 umol/L
Male, 15yr: 47 - 98 umol/L
Male, 16yr: 54 - 99 umol/L
Female, 0 - <14 days: 27 - 81 umol/L
Female, 14d - <1yr: 14 - 34 umol/L
Female, 1 - <3yr: 15 - 31 umol/L
Female, 3 - <5yr: 23 - 37 umol/L
Female, 5 - <7yr: 25 - 42 umol/L
Female, 7 - <9yr: 30 - 48 umol/L
Female, 9 - <11yr: 28 - 57 umol/L
Female, 11yr: 36 - 64 umol/L
Female, 12yr: 36 - 67 umol/L
Female, 13yr: 38 - 74 umol/L
Female, 14yr: 43 - 75 umol/L
Female, 15yr: 44 - 79 umol/L
Female, 16yr: 48 - 81 umol/L
Adult  Male  53 - 97 umol/L
Adult Female 44 - 71 umol/L
<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Creatinine (Urine)White Top Urine Universal (for random urine) or 24 Hour Urine Plain Container (for 24 hour urine)Urine Male 7.1 - 17.7 mmol/24 hours
Female 5.3 - 15.9 mmol/24 hours
<1 Day Chemical Pathology
Creatinine ClearanceGel/Serum
​​​​​​​(Brown) plus 24 Hour Urine Plain container
Brown Top Blood + 24 Hour Plain Urine70 - 170 mL/min< 1 Day Chemical Pathology
CryoglobulinsContact LaboratoryBloodRequires sample to be kept warm so it is important that lab is contacted prior to taking samples in order that appropriate arrangements can be madeNarrative ReportAs RequiredRotherham Hospital ImmunologyChemical Pathology
CSF - Oligoclonal BandsCSF Plain Universal plus Gel/Serum
CSF in White Top Universal + Brown Blood SampleDeliver by hand, do NOT use pneumatic tube system.4 WeeksSheffield Protein Reference UnitChemical Pathology
CSF - Xanthochromia screenWhite Top Universal
CSF(Min 0.5ml)
Final sample required.
Sample must be protected from natural light.  Sample must be kept in the dark. 
Deliver by hand, do NOT use pneumatic tube system.
 3 DaysRotherham Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
CSF -ScreenCSF White Top UniversalCSFDeliver by hand, do NOT use pneumatic tube systemCSF Protein age dependant:
<1 year old 0.1-1.2g/L
>1 year old 0.1-0.4g/L
CSF glucose should be cross referenced to a serum glucose analysed at the same time.
 Barnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Blood Depends on clinical indication4 WeeksSheffield Northern General Hospital (under normal circumstances) or Sheffield Royal Hallamshire Hospital or Leeds, Department of Transplant ImmunologyChemical Pathology
Cystine - White Cell/LeucocyteLithium Heparin
Blood  4 WeeksLeeds Department of Chemical PathologyChemical Pathology
Cytogenetics (including basic chromosome analysis, karyotyping and FISH)Multiple1 X Blood in EDTA Container
1 X Blood in Orange Lithium Heparin Container
 Refer to external report.8-12 WeeksChemical Pathology
CytokinesLithium Heparin
BloodSample must be received by the referral laboratory within 24hours of venepuncture.
Samples should not be taken Thursday or Friday.
Refer to external report8-12weeksLondon St. George?s HospitalHaematology
D DimerCitrate
BloodSample viability: 8hrs from venepuncture.
DIC should be added to the request form if this is suspected. Contact the laboratory for urgent requests. The citrated bottle must be filled up to the green line marked on the bottle label. The ratio of anticoagulant to blood must be 1:9 therefore under or over-filling the bottle may affect the results and samples may not be tested.
<0.5 ug/mlTAT for urgent requests: 45 minsBarnsley Hospital HaematologyHaematology
Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulphate (DHEAS)Gel/Serum
Blood Pre adrenarche (1 -5yr)         <1 umol/L
Female Post Puberty - 24yr = 2.7-11.0 
Female 25 - 34yr = 2.1-10.0
Female 35 - 49yr = 1.3-8.5
Female 50 - 59yr = 1.0-7.0
Female 60 - 69yr = <6.0
Female >70yr = <5.0
Male Post Puberty - 24 yr = 3.6-13.0
Male 25 - 34yr = 2.9-12.0
Male 35 - 49yr = 1.7-10.0
Male 50 - 59yr = 1.0-8.0
Male 60 - 69yr = <7.0
Male >70yr = <6.0
ReferredLeeds SAS Centre for Steroid HormonesChemical Pathology
BloodPlease ensure samples are collected immediately pre-dose or at least 8 hours post dose.
Digoxin toxicity can occur even when serum digoxin concentration is within the therapeutic range; always interpret results in the clinical context.
Toxicity can occur at <2.0 ug/L in hypokalaemia, hypoxia, increased sympathetic activity, hypercalcaemia, hypernatraemia, hypomagnesemia, alkalosis or hypothyroidism.
Patients treated for digoxin toxicity: Digifab interferes with digoxin immunoassays; no clinical benefit in checking digoxin levels after administration.
Further information about interference i nthe digoxin assay can be found here
Therapeutic range for Digoxin: 0.7-2.0 ug/L (see NICE Clinical Guideline for Atrial Fibrillation

Therapeutic target of 0.5-1.0 ug/L may be appropriate in heart failure

Patients treated for digoxin toxicity: Digifab interferes with digoxin immunoassays; no clinical benefit in checking digoxin levels after administration.
DailyBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
BloodSample viable for 10 days.<20 IU/ml1 WeekRotherham Hospital ImmunologyChemical Pathology
Dopamine - Urine24 Hour Urine HCl ContainerUrine  2 WeeksRotherham Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Downs Screening (Double Test)Gel/Serum
BloodRequest to be ordered only  on specific Downs Screening stationary.Sheffield Department of ImmunologyContact Immunology directly.
Drugs of Abuse - Confirmation & Identification of Opiates - UrineWhite Top UniversalUrineReferred only when specifically requested following positive identification of opiates within urine drug screen.4 WeeksCity Hospital Birmingham, Trace Elements laboratoryChemical Pathology
Drugs of Abuse Screen - UrineWhite Top UniversalUrinePlease note that this screening method does not accurately identify the presence of MDMA and MDANegative
<1 Week Chemical Pathology
ElastaseBlue Top UniversalFaeces  2 WeeksSheffield Royal Hallamshire HospitalChemical Pathology
Electrophoresis - ProteinGel/Serum
Blood Narrative Report1 WeekRotherham Hospital ImmunologyChemical Pathology
EMA screen (for hereditary spherocytosis)EDTA
BloodMinimum of 0.5ml of sample (Sample must be <48 hours old).
Testing should  be performed on patients >1year old as results may not be interpretable.
Refer to report.2 WeeksSheffield Children's Hospital HaematologyHaematology
ENA ScreenGel/Serum
BloodSample viable for 10 days.Negative
Positive screens have further confirmatory testing performed.
2 WeeksRotherham Hospital ImmunologyHaematology
Endomysial Antibodies (IgA)Gel/Serum
Blood Negative2 WeeksRotherham Hospital ImmunologyChemical Pathology
Endomysial Antibodies (IgG)Gel/Serum
BloodUsually laboratory initiated test.Negative3 WeeksRotherham Hospital ImmunologyChemical Pathology
BloodPart of the FBC.
Refer to FBC for request information.
3D = 0.05 - 1.23 x109/L
14D = 0.05 - 1.00 x109/L
10yr = 0.05 - 0.88 x109/L
11yr = 0.05 - 0.80 x109/L
15yr = 0.05 - 0.70 x109/L
16yr = 0.05 - 0.60 x109/L
>16yr = 0.05 - 0.45 x109/L
<1 DayBarnsley Hospital HaematologyHaematology
Erythrocyte Sedimentaiton Rate (ESR)EDTA
Blood1ml minimum required for ESR testing.
Sample viability 24 hours.
Lab must be informed of urgent requests for temporal arteritis.
<70yrs = 1-15 mm/hr
  >70yrs: 1-30 mm/hr
1 Hour (Urgent tests), 4 Hours (Routine tests)Barnsley Hospital HaematologyHaematology
Erythropoietin Levels (Serum)Gel/Serum
BloodSample viable for 10 days. For inofrmation on interferences in the erythropoietin assay, please see here 3.0-18.0 mIU/ml6 WeeksRotherham Hospital HaematologyHaematology
Blood  4 WeeksSheffield Royal Hallamshire HospitalChemical Pathology
Ethylene GlycolGel/Serum
Blood  <2 DaysSheffield Northern General Hospital, Toxicology DepartmentChemical Pathology
Exon 12 mutationEDTA
BloodOnly requestable by the Haematology Consultants. Must be requested via the HODS database by the requesting clinician.Refer to HODS database6 WeeksHODS, Sheffield Royal Hallamshire HospitalHaematology
Fabry's (alpha - galactosidase)Blood SpotBlood SpotNarrative Report4 WeeksManchester, WillinkChemical Pathology
Factor AssaysCitrate
Blood2-4 green (adult or paediatric), depending on how many factors are requested.
Send to the laboratory immediately.
Requests for factor assays should be approved by the Consultant Haematologists. Please discuss with them before sending a request, otherwise testing may be delayed. Urgent requests should be telephoned to the lab
See individual factors for reference ranges.TAT is dependent upon the urgency of the request. Routine requests may take up to two weeks for a report to be generated.Sheffield Royal Hallamshire Hospital, CoagulationHaematology
Factor IICitrate
BloodRefer to factor assays  test1D = 0.41-0.69 Units/L
3D = 0.50-0.73 Units/L
1yr = 0.62-1.03 Units/L
5yr = 0.70-1.09 Units/L
10yr = 0.67-1.10 Units/L
16yr = 0.61-1.07 Units/L
>18yr = 0.78-1.38 Units/L
See Factor assaysSee Factor assaysHaematology
Factor IXCitrate
BloodRefer to factor assays  test1D = 0.35-0.56 Units/L
3D = 0.44-0.97 Units/L
1yr = 0.43-1.21 Units/L
5yr = 0.44-1.27 Units/L
10yr = 0.48-1.45 Units/L
16yr = 0.64-2.16 Units/L
>18yr = 0.59-2.54 Units/L
See Factor assaysSee Factor assaysHaematology
Factor VCitrate
BloodRefer to factor assays  test1D = 0.64-1.03 Units/L
3D = 0.92 - 1.54 Units/L
1yr = 0.94 - 1.41 Units/L
5yr = 0.67 - 1.27 Units/L
10yr = 0.56 - 1.41 Units/L
16yr = 0.67 - 1.41 Units/L
>18yr = 0.78-1.52 Units/L
See Factor assaysSee Factor assaysHaematology
Factor V Leiden (Genetics) See Inherited Thrombophilia testing if requesting as part of a battery.EDTA
BloodSend immediately to the laboratory.
All requests are audited to ensure that these tests are performed only where appropriate. The criteria for testing are based on BCSHGuideline: Investigation & Management of Heritable Thrombophilia BJH 114:512-528 2001.
Requests without clinical details or with inadequate details will not be processed. The samples are saved for 3 months. Please contact Haematology clinicians if the request has been denied and there are other clinical indicators for testing.
Is requestable as an individual test but will only be performed if the Activated Protein C Resistance result is abnormal.
Refer to external report.4 Weeks Haematology
Factor VIICitrate
BloodRefer to factor assays  test1D = 0.52-0.88 Units/L
3D = 0.67-1.07 Units/L
1yr = 0.83-1.60 Units/L
5yr = 0.72-1.50 Units/L
10yr = 0.70-1.56 Units/L
16yr = 0.69-2.00 Units/L
See Factor assaysSee Factor assaysHaematology
Factor VIIICitrate
BloodRefer to factor assays  test1D = 1.05-3.29 Units/L
3D = 0.83-2.74 Units/L
1yr = 0.54-1.45 Units/L
5yr = 0.36-1.85 Units/L
10yr = 0.52-1.82 Units/L
16yr = 0.59-2.00 Units/L
>18yr = 0.52-2.90 Units/L
See Factor assaysSee Factor assaysHaematology
Factor XCitrate
BloodRefer to factor assays  test1D = 0.46-0.67 Units/L
3D = 0.46-0.75 Units/L
1M = 0.77-1.22 Units/L
5M = 0.72-1.25 Units/L
10M = 0.68-1.25 Units/L
16yr = 0.53-1.22 Units/L
>18yr = 0.96-1.71 Units/L
See Factor assaysSee Factor assaysHaematology
Factor XICitrate
BloodRefer to factor assays  test1D = 0.07-0.41 Units/L
3D = 0.24-0.79 Units/L
1yr = 0.62-1.25 Units/L
5yr = 0.65-1.62 Units/L
10yr = 0.65-1.62 Units/L
16yr = 0.65-1.30 Units/L
>18yr = 0.67-1.96 Units/L
See Factor assaysSee Factor assaysHaematology
Factor XIICitrate
BloodRefer to factor assays  test1D = 0.43-0.80 Units/L
3D = 0.13-0.97 Units/L
1yr = 0.20-1.35 Units/L
5yr = 0.36-1.35 Units/L
10yr = 0.26-1.37 Units/L
16yr = 0.14-1.17 Units/L
>18yr = 0.35-2.07 Units/L
See Factor assaysSee Factor assaysHaematology
Factor XIIICitrate
BloodRefer to factor assays  testSee Factor assaysSee Factor assaysSee Factor assaysHaematology
Faecal CalprotectinBlue top Stool BottleFaeces  2 WeeksRotherham Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Faecal Elastase see ElastaseBlue Top UniversalFaeces  2 WeeksSheffield Royal Hallamshire Hospital
FBC  Includes: Platelets, White cell count, Red count, MCV, MCH, MCHC, Hct, RDW, LUC and White cell differential (neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils & basophils)EDTA
BloodMinimum 50ul.
The laboratory must be phoned/bleeped for urgent requests.
For reference ranges, refer to individual tests.Routine <2 hours
Urgent <1 hour
Barnsley Hospital HaematologyHaematology
Ferritin (Serum)Gel/Serum
BloodConsider measuring blood lead in any child presenting with possible iron deficiency and pica.Male 22 - 322 ug/L
Female 10 - 291 ug/L
<1 dayBarnsley Hospital HaematologyHaematology
BloodPart of Coagulation Screen.
Refer to Coagulation Screen
1 day = 1.92-3.74 g/l
3 days = 2.83-4.01 g/l
1 yr = 0.82-3.83 g/l
>16yrs = 1.90-4.10 g/l
 Barnsley Hospital HaematologyHaematology
Fish Odour Syndrome (Trimethylaminuria)24 Hour Acid HCL Urine ContainerUrine   Sheffield Children's HospitalChemical Pathology
Blood 200 - 800 ug/L4 WeeksSheffield Royal Hallamshire HospitalChemical Pathology
Folate (Serum)Gel/Serum
Blood1 x 4.9ml>5.4 ug/L<1 dayBarnsley Hospital HaematologyHaematology
Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)Gel/Serum
Blood Follicular = 2.5 - 10.2 U/L
Mid - Cycle = 3.4 - 33.4 U/L
Luteal = 1.5 - 9.1 U/L
Post menopausal = 23.0 - 116.3 U/L
Male = 1.4 - 18.1 U/L
<1 dayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Free Androgen Index (Calculated from testosterone and SHBG)Gel/Serum
Blood Adult male <50 years = 14.5-80.3
Adult male >50 years = 9.4-52.5
Female pre menopausal = 0.3-9.8
Female post menopausal = 0.2-5.9
 Barnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Free Fatty AcidsFluorideBlood See Hypoglycemia ScreenBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Free Light Chains (serum)Gel/Serum
Blood Free Kappa = 3.3 - 19.4 mg/L
Free Lambda = 5.7 - 26.3 mg/L
Kappa/Lambda ration = 0.26 - 1.65
3 WeeksSheffield Protein Reference UnitChemical Pathology
Free Light Chains (urine)White Top UniversalUrine  3 WeeksSheffield Protein Reference UnitChemical Pathology
Free Thyroxine (fT4)Gel/Serum
Blood Adult range = 10.0 - 18.7 pmol/L
Please contact laboratory if age related ranges required
<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Free Tri-iodothyronine (fT3)Gel/Serum
Blood Adult range = 3.5 - 6.5 pmol/L
Please contact laboratory if age related ranges required
<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Blood  4 WeeksMiddlesex, Department of Clinical BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Galactosaemia ScreenLithium Heparin
Blood Negative3 WeeksSheffield Children's HospitalChemical Pathology
Gamma-Glutamyl TransferaseGel/Serum
Blood Adult Male - 0-73 U/L
Adult Female - 0-38 U/L
<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology

(Red) with Trasylol

Contact Laboratory in advance

Please contact the laboratory (01226) 432733. Must be delivered within 15 minutes of the drawPart of gut hormone screen.
Fasting sample required.
Stop PPls 2 weeks before and H2 blockers 3 days before sampling, for more details contact Duty Biochemist.
0 - 40 pmol/L4 WeeksLondon, SAS LaboratoriesChemical Pathology
Gene studiesEDTA
  For Sample requirements visit:
All genetic studies require patients to have been appropriately counselled.
GPs requesting these studies should contact the referral lab directly to obtain approval and specimen requirements before proceeding with sample collection.
Contact details for Sheffield Children's Hospital:Tel:+44(0)11427 17003 (Molecular)
Samples collected on Fridays will not be processed.
DNA is stored by SCH after testing.
Add on requests should be discussed with SCH directly.
Hardcopy report sent directly to the requesting clinician from the referral laboratory.8-12 WeeksSheffield Children's Hospital Genetics ServiceHaematology
 See Gene StudiesReferred   
Blood If advice is required please contact pharmacy<1 DayBarnsley Hospital Biochemistry
Glandular Fever ScreenGel/Serum
BloodSample viable for 24 hours or 48 hours if kept between 2-8C.
Should be requested with an FBC.
Negative<1 DayBarnsley Hospital HaematologyHaematology
Gliadin AntibodiesGel/Serum
Blood Negative2 WeeksRotherham Hospital ImmunologyChemical Pathology
Glomerular Basement Membrane Abs (GBM)Gel/Serum
Blood 0 - 20 U/mL3 WeeksRotherham Hospital ImmunologyHaematology
GlucagonContact LaboratoryBD Gastrin VacutainerContact Laboratory for container0 - 50 pmol/L
(Part of gut hormone screen)
ReferredLondon SAS CentreChemical Pathology
Blood Normal fasting = < 7.0 mmol/L
Fasting indicative of Diabetes Mellitus = > 7.0 mmol/L
Random indicative of Diabetes Mellitus = > 11.1 mmol/L
<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Glucose-6-Dehydrogenase Phosphate (G6PD)EDTA
BloodMinimum 50ul.
Testing will only be carried out in accordance with the following guidelines:
A possible drug induced haemolytic episode is suspected with testing limited to those following use of Glibenclamide, Nalidixic Acid, Nitrofurantoin and Primaquine.
 A positive family history
 In neonates who have definite evidence of a congenital non-spherocytic haemolytic anaemia.
A patient is being screened for G6PD prior to being started on KRYSTEXXA therapy for gout
NB reticulocytosis will cause an increase in G6PD levels negating the usefulness of testing in this setting.
Refer to the external reportReferred - 2 WeeksSheffield Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Haemolysis LaboratoryHaematology
Glycated Haemoglobin (HbA1c)EDTA
Blood In diabetes aim for <53 mmol/mol 
In adults, HbA1c of greater or equal to 48 mmol/mol is the recommended cut-off  for diagnosing diabetes mellitus (repeat measurement required in asymptomatic individuals).See this page for further information on use of HbA1c, including limitations 
<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Growth HormoneGel/Serum
Blood Adult Male = 0-2.5 ug/L
Adult Female = 0.13-9.9 ug/L
3 WeeksSheffield Royal Hallamshire HospitalChemical Pathology
Gut Hormones

(Red) with trasolyl preservative

Contact lab to arrange in advance

Please contact the laboratory (01226) 432733. Must be delivered within 15 minutes of the drawPlease refer to information for Gastrin.Gastrin = <40 pmol/L
Glucagon = <50 pmol/L
Neurotensin (specific request) = <100 pmol/L
Pancreatic Poypeptide = <300 pmol/L
Somatostatin = <150 pmol/L
VIP = <30 pmol/L
Chromogranin A = <60 pmol/L
Chromogranin B = <150 pmol/L
ReferredLondon, SAS LaboratoriesChemical Pathology
Haemochromatosis gene testing (HFE gene)EDTA
Blood2 x EDTA samples required.
Routine screening should be carried out prior to genetic testing. Requests are only approved if appropriate clinical details and previous blood results are indicative for genetic testing.
Ideally should not be taken on Fridays.
Refer to the external  reportReferred 8-12 weeksSheffield Diagnostic Genetic Service, Sheffield Children's HospitalChemical Pathology
BloodPart of the FBC.
Not requestable alone.
3D = 145-230
7D = 140-222
14D = 130-195
30D = 115-167
2M = 94-132
3M = 98-132
4M = 102-137
6M = 103-137
1YR = 105-137
2YR = 107-134
3YR = 110-135
5YR = 110-136
6YR = 111-138
7YR = 113-142
8YR = 115-142
10YR = 117-145
11YR = 118-145
12YR = 120-147
Male 14YR = 124-156
Male 16YR = 131-163
Male 18YR = 129-165
Male >=21YR = 132-169
Female 14YR = 132-169
Female 16YR = 117-156
Female 18YR = 117-157
Female >=21YR = 119-149
 Barnsley Hospital HaematologyHaematology
Haemoglobin A2 (HbA2)EDTA
BloodPart of the Haemoglobinopathy screen.
Not requestable alone.
2.0-3.5% Barnsley Hospital HaematologyHaematology
Haemoglobin F (HbF)EDTA
BloodPart of the Haemoglobinopathy screen.
Not requestable alone.
<2 %
HbF<4.0% in pregnancy
 Barnsley Hospital HaematologyHaematology
Haemoglobin VariantsEDTA
BloodRefer to Haemoglobinopathy screen.Negative  Haematology
Haemoglobinopathy screen Includes Haemoglobin A2, Haemoglobin F, FBC, Blood Film, FerritinTested Mon-Fri
For urgent sickle cell screening for pre-operative cases or ?Sickle cell crises refer to sickle screen.
For Partner testing, please provide the details of woman.
For antenatal screening, refer to FOQ testing.
Refer to individual tests listed in the haemoglobinopathy screen for reference rangesTAT for full HPLC report 72hrsRotherham Hospital Haematology
Positive results/variants are referred to Nottingham Queen?s Medical Centre for confirmation.
Blood 0.4 - 2.8 g/L1 WeekRotherham Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
HCT (Haematocrit)EDTA
BloodPart of the FBC.
Not requestable alone.
7D = 0.44-0.70 L/L
14D = 13.0-19.5 L/L
30D = 0.34-0.55 L/L
2M = 0.29-0.47 L/L
3M = 0.29-0.41 L/L
6M = 0.30-0.41 L/L
1YR = 0.31-0.41 L/L
3YR = 0.32-0.41 L/L
5YR = 0.33-0.41 L/L
7YR = 0.33-0.41 L/L
8YR = 0.34-0.44 L/L
Male 14YR = 0.35-0.47 L/L
Male 16YR = 0.37-0.49 L/L
Male >=18YR = 0.39-0.49 L/L
Female 14YR = 0.35-0.45 L/L
Female 16YR = 0.35-0.45 L/L
Female >=18YR = 0.35-0.46 L/L
 Barnsley Hospital HaematologyHaematology
Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT)Citrate
BloodRHH specific request information must be completed.
Type of heparin, dosage and date & time of last dose should be included.
RHH HIT request information
Refer to external report2 WeeksSheffield Royal Hallamshire Hospital, CoagulationHaematology
BloodSeparate within 1 hour
Fasting sample required
Deliver immediately to the laboratory - separate within 1 hour
Male = 0 - 18 umol/L
Female = 0 - 16 umol/L
1 WeekSheffield Children's HospitalChemical Pathology
IFA (Intrinsic Factor Antibodies)Gel/Serum
Blood Negative/PositiveSamples processed < 1 Day.
Positive screens have further confirmatory testing performed.
TAT: 1wk
Rotherham Hospital ImmunologyImmunology
IgE - totalGel/Serum
BloodAllergen specific IgE antibodies can be found without clinical reactions, especially in atopic individuals. They are NOT proof of allergy and are not useful for screening. Suggest referral to the allergy clinic at NGH, Sheffield if indicated0 - 81kU/L
Grade 0 = 0.0 - 0.35 kU/L Negative
Grade 1 = 0.35 - 0.7 kU/L Weak Positive
Grade 2 = 0.7 - 3.5 kU/L Positive
Grade 3 = 3.5 - 17.5 kU/L Positive
Grade 4 = 17.5 - 50.0 kU/L Strong Positive
Grade 5 = 50.0 - 100 kU/L Strong Positive
Grade 6 = >100 kU/L Strong Positive
2 WeeksRotherham Hospital ImmunologyChemical Pathology
IgG SubclassesGel/Serum
Blood IgG1 = 3.2 - 10.2 g/L
IgG2 = 1.2 - 6.6 g/L
IgG3 = 0.2 - 1.9 g/L
3 WeeksSheffield Protein Reference UnitChemical Pathology
Blood Narrative ReportAs RequiredRotherham Hospital ImmunologyChemical Pathology
Blood IgG = 6.0 - 16.0 g/L
IgA = 0.8 - 4.0 g/L
IgM = 0.5 - 2.0 g/L
Age related ranges.
Contact laboratory or see report
1 week (interim report  available from lab usually within 1 day)Barnsley for IgA, IgG and IgM/Rotherham Hospital Immunology for electrophoresisChemical Pathology
Immunoreactive TrypsinBlood SpotBlood SpotWith Report4 WeeksSheffield Children's HospitalChemical Pathology
Inherited Thrombophilia Screen including :- Antithrombin III, Protein C, Protein S, Activated protein C resistance*, Prothrombin gene mutation. *Factor V Leiden genetics will only be carried out if the APCR is abnormal.Citrate
(Green) & EDTA
Blood3 x Green- Should be received in the laboratory within 4hours of venepuncture.
1 x EDTA

Individual parts of the Inherited thrombophilia screen can be requested if specified (please see individual sections).

NB All requests are audited to ensure that these tests are performed only where appropriate. The criteria for testing are based on BCSHGuideline: Investigation & Management of Heritable Thrombophilia BJH 114:512-528 2001.

Requests without clinical details or with inadequate details will not be processed. The samples are saved for 3 months. Please contact Haematology clinicians if the request has been denied and there are other clinical indicators for testing.
Reference ranges are provided with the results.4 WeeksSheffield Royal Hallamshire CoagulationHaematology
BloodShould only be requested  if the patient is on warfarin (Vitamin K antagonist therapy).See BSCH guidelines.45 minsBarnsley Hospital HaematologyHaematology
Blood 17.8 - 173 pmol/L3 WeeksSheffield Royal Hallamshire HospitalChemical Pathology
Insulin Antibodies (IgG)Gel/Serum
Blood Negative = <5 mg/L
Equivocal = 5 - 10 mg/L
Positive = >10 mg/L
4 WeeksSheffield Protein Reference UnitChemical Pathology
Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF-1)Gel/Serum
Blood ug/L
Age and sex related ranges.
Contact laboratory or see report
3 WeeksSheffield Royal Hallamshire HospitalChemical Pathology
Intermediary Metabolites (Part of hypoglycaemia screen)Fluoride/GlucoseBloodIncludes:
Free fatty acids
Comment issued with report.2 WeeksSheffield Children's HospitalChemical Pathology
Blood Male = 12 - 31 umol/L
Female = 9 - 30 umol/L
<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Iron ProfileGel/Serum
Blood Please see individual tests<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Islet Cell AntibodiesGel/Serum
Blood Negative (or positive)3 WeeksSheffield Protein Reference UnitChemical Pathology
JAK-2 (Requested via HODS database)EDTA
Bone marrow or peripherial blood.Only requestable by the Haematologists or after discussion with the Haematology medical team.See reportReport usually available within 7 days via HODS website. Password access only.HODS, Sheffield Royal Hallamshire HospitalHaematology
LactateBlood Gas SyringeVenous Blood Gas
For inofmration on interference i nthe lactate assay, please see here
0.6 - 2.5 mmol/LAs required.
(contact the lab)
Barnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH)Gel/Serum
Blood 120 - 246 U/L<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Blood 3.0-14.0 mg/L4 Weeks Chemical Pathology
Blood 1.0 - 35.0 ug/dL
In the absence of lead exposure, blood lead levels rarely exceed 10 ug/dL. Values greater than this require investigation to identify and remove the source of the lead
 Sheffield Northern General HospitalChemical Pathology
Lipid Profile
(Fasting - 12 hours)

NB. Consider non-lipid factors in cardio- vascular risk assessment ie. family history of CHD, hypertension, smoking, diabetes mellitus and male gender                              See NICE CKS for CVD risk assessment:

For information on interferences in our lipid assays, please see here

Total Cholesterol = Desirable <4.0 mmol/L
HDL Cholesterol = Desirable >0.90 mmol/L
Total:HDL Cholesterol Ratio
LDL Cholesterol (calculated) = Desirable <2.0 mmol/L
Triglycerides = 0.45 - 1.88 mmol/L
<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Blood Therapeutic  0.4 - 1.0 mmol/L<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Luteinizing hormone (LH)Gel/Serum
Blood Follicular = 1.9 - 12.5 U/L
Mid - Cycle = 8.7 - 76.3 U/L
Luteal = 0.5 - 16.9 U/L
Post menopausal = 7.9 - 53.8 U/L
Adult Male <70 years = 1.5 - 9.3 U/L
Adult Male > 70 years 3.1 - 34.6 U/L
<1 dayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Blood Adult: 0.7 - 1.0 mmol/L
Neonate (up to 1 month): 0.6 - 1.0 mmol/L 
1 month ? 16 years: 0.7 - 1.0 mmol/L
<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Malarial parasites (including RDT screen, thin and thick films stained at pH7.2)EDTA
BloodSamples must be received into the laboratory within 2 hours of venepuncture. All positive results are referred to Liverpool school of Tropical medicine for confirmatory testing. Positive results are HPA notifiable within 7days of testingReported as presence of a species of malaria as an interim report only  (with parasitaemia as a % reported for falciparum  only) or negative.7 DaysBarnsley Hospital HaematologyHaematology
BloodPart of FBC.
Refer to FBC for request information. Not requestable alone.
7D = 31.0-39.0 pg
14D = 30.5-37.5 pg
30D = 28.5-35.5 pg
2M = 26.0-33.0 pg
3M = 24.5-30.0 pg
6M = 24.0-29.0 pg
6yr = 24.5-30.0 pg
8yr = 25.2-31.7 pg
10yr = 25.4-31.7 pg
12yr = 26.0-31.7 pg
14yr = 26.9-32.3 pg
16yr = 26.9-32.5 pg
>=18yr = 27.0-32.5 pg
 Barnsley Hospital HaematologyHaematology
BloodPart of FBC.
Refer to FBC for request information. Not requestable alone.
3D = 308-365 g/l
7D = 303-368 g/l
14D = 298-373 g/l
2M = 303-368 g/l
3M = 300-365 g/l
4M = 308-365 g/l
2yr = 315-365 g/l
>2yr = 316-365 g/l
 Barnsley Hospital HaematologyHaematology
BloodPart of FBC.
Refer to FBC for request information. Not requestable alone.
7D = 100-127 fl
14D = 94-126 fl
30D = 90-116 fl
2M = 82-99 fl
3M = 75-95 fl
6M = 70-88 fl
1yr = 71-84 fl
2yr = 73-84 fl
3yr = 73-85 fl
6yr = 75-86 fl
8yr = 75-89 fl
10yr = 76-90 fl
12yr = 77-90 fl
14yr = 78-93 fl
16yr = 79-95 fl
21yr = 82-100 fl
 Barnsley Hospital HaematologyHaematology
BloodPart of FBC.
Not requestable alone.
Expressed as an absolute value and percentage of the total white count if seen when examining a blood film
(0.00-0.00)Barnsley Hospital HaematologyHaematology
Metanephrines (Plasma)EDTA


Please contact lab prior to collecting samples for this test

Avoid stress. Samples viable up to 30 min from collection without ice and for 60 mins with ice.

This test is subject to interference from a variety of drugs and other agents. Please see the table here for further information

0 - 510 pmol/LFreeman Hospital NewcastleBiochemistry
Microalbumin - Urine (Albumin:creatinine ratio)White Top UniversalUrine (random)Male = <2.5 mg/mmol creatinine
Female = <3.5 mg/mmol creatinine
<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
BloodRefer to FBC.
Not requestable alone
1D = 0.2-2.3
2D = 0.2-1.8
30D = 0.2-1.5
6M = 0.3-1.2
1yr = 0.2-1.2
3yr = 0.2-1.0
8yr = 0.2-1.2
16yr = 0.2-1.0
>16yr = 0.2-0.8
 Barnsley Hospital HaematologyHaematology
Myelin Associated Glycoprotein AntibodiesGel/Serum
Blood With report4 WeeksSheffield Protein Reference UnitChemical Pathology
BloodRefer to FBC.
Not requestable alone.
Expressed as an absolute value and percentage of the total white count if seen when examining a blood film.
Refer to FBC.Barnsley Hospital HaematologyHaematology
Neurone Specific Enolase (NSE)Gel/Serum
Blood <12.5 ug/L
Adult Range Quoted
4 WeeksSheffield Protein Reference UnitChemical Pathology
NeurotensinContact LaboratoryBD Gastrin BottleSee Gut Hormones4 WeeksLondon, SAS LaboratoriesChemical Pathology
BloodPart of FBC.
Not requestable alone.
1D = 2.8-15.0
2D = 2.8-14.6
8D = 2.8-12.0
14D = 1.8-7.8
30D = 1.8-6.8
2M = 1.0-6.0
3M = 0.8-5.5
6M = 1.0-5.5
1yr = 1.3-7.0
2yr = 1.4-7.5
3yr = 1.5-7.5
4yr = 1.6-7.7
5yr = 1.7-7.8
6yr = 1.7-7.4
8yr = 1.7-7.1
9yr = 1.7-7.2
11yr = 1.7-6.7
>11yr = 1.7-6.6
 Barnsley Hospital HaematologyHaematology
BloodFor information on interference in our oestradiol assay, please see hereFollicular = 72-529 pmol/L
Mid-cycle = 235 - 1309 pmol/L
Luteal = 205 - 786 pmol/L
Post-menopausal = <118 pmol/L

F, 2?3 y: <107 pmol/L
F, 4?9 y: <160 pmol/L
F, 10?11 y: <645 pmol/L
F, 12?21 y: <875 pmol/L
M, 2?3 y:   <189 pmol/L
M, 4?9 y:   <97 pmol/L
M, 10?13 y:   <134 pmol/L
Adult Male = <146 pmol/L
<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Oligoclonal bands (CSF)Plain white top universal form CSF
CSF and Brown Blood BottleNB. Blood and CSF required for full interpretationNarrative report3 WeeksSheffield Protein Reference UnitChemical Pathology
Organic Acids - UrineWhite Top UniversalUrine5ml.
Freeze immediately.
Narrative Report4 WeeksSheffield Children's HospitalChemical Pathology
Osmolality - SerumGel/Serum
Blood 275 - 295 mmol/kg<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Osmolality - UrineWhite Top UniversalUrine (random)50 - 1200 mmol/kg<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Blood Please refer to report3 WeeksSheffield Northern General HospitalChemical Pathology
P3NP (Type III Procollagen Peptide)Gel/Serum
Blood Please refer to report4 WeeksManchester, Specialist Assay LaboratoryChemical Pathology
Pancreatic ElastaseBlue Top UniversalFaeces See Elastase/Faecal Elastase2 WeeksRotherham Hospital Chemical PathologyChemical Pathology
Pancreatic PolypeptideContact LaboratoryBD Gastrin VacutainerSee Gut Hormones4 WeeksLondon, SAS LaboratoriesChemical Pathology
BloodTreatment indicated if above treatment line. See BNF
For information on interferences in our paracetamol assay, please see here
Significant toxicity likely:
>200 mg/L at 4h
>50 mg/L at 12h
<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Parathyroid HormoneEDTA
BloodPlease send separate EDTA sample for PTH analysis1.95-8.49 pmol/L
(Please note: new units and range from 30/10/2017)
< 1 Day
(Monday -Friday)
Barnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Partial Thromboplastin TimeCitrate
BloodPart of the Coagulation Screen.
Maximum sample viability: 8hrs.
The citrated bottle must be filled up to the green line marked on the bottle label.
The ratio of anticoagulant to blood must be 1:9 therefore under or over-filling the bottle may affect the results and samples may not be tested.
The ratio of anticoagulant to blood must be 1:9 therefore under or over-filling the bottle may affect the results and samples may not be tested.
For in house testing:
1d = 34.9-47.4 seconds  
3d =  31.2-44.0 seconds
1yr = 29.1-35.5 seconds
>16yr = >16yr 23.3-33.9 seconds
Refer to reference ranges on reports for testing performed as part of any referred tests.
 Barnsley Hospital HaematologyHaematology
Partial Thromboplastin Time Ratio (PTTR) for patients on heparin only.Citrate
Maximum sample viability: 8hrs.
The citrated bottle must be filled up to the green line marked on the bottle label.
The ratio of anticoagulant to blood must be 1:9 therefore under or over-filling the bottle may affect the results and samples may not be tested.
The ratio of anticoagulant to blood must be 1:9 therefore under or over-filling the bottle may affect the results and samples may not be tested.
1.5-2.5 Barnsley Hospital HaematologyHaematology
BloodFor ? Poisoning telephone lab on 2733 to arrange for urgent courierTherapeutic  10 - 40 mg/L<1 DaySheffield Northen General HospitalChemical Pathology
Blood Therapeutic   5 - 20 mg/L<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Phosphate - SerumGel/Serum
Blood 0.80 - 1.50 mmo/L
Adult range stated. Please contact lab for age related ranges.
<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Phosphate - Urine24 Hour Acid HCL Urine ContainerUrine 15 - 50 mmol/24 hours<1 Day Chemical Pathology
BloodDiscuss with Haematology Consultants for testing approval.
The citrated bottle must be filled up to the green line marked on the bottle label.
The ratio of anticoagulant to blood must be 1:9 therefore under or over-filling the bottle may affect the results and samples may not be tested.
Send immediately to the labs for pre analytical processing.
See referral report2 WeeksSheffield, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, CoagulationHaematology
Placental Alkaline Phosphatase (PLAP)Gel/Serum
Blood Non-smoker = <500 mU/L
Smoker = <1500 mU/L
4 WeeksSheffield Protein Reference UnitChemical Pathology
Plasma ViscosityEDTA
BloodOnly requestable via Haematology Consultants.See referral report2 WeeksSheffield, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, HaematologyHaematology
Platelet ClumpingCitrate
BloodOccasionally a patient?s platelets react to the EDTA anticoagulant used. The laboratory may request an additional sample to verify this and report an accurate platelet count. If a green (citrated) sample is requested this must be sent with an EDTA for FBC testing.Reference ranges same as platelets.As per FBCBarnsley Hospital HaematologyHaematology
BloodNot requestable alone.
Refer to the FBC section.
For platelet clumping requests, see platelet clumping.
3D = 125-450 x 10^9/L
7D = 150-450 x 10^9/L
30D = 150-475 x 10^9/L
2M = 180-550 x 10^9/L
3M = 210-650 x 10^9/L
6M = 210-600 x 10^9/L
1yr = 190-530 x 10^9/L
3yr = 190-500 x 10^9/L
6yr = 190-490 x 10^9/L
8yr = 190-440 x 10^9/L
10yr = 185-425 x 10^9/L
12yr = 180-405 x 10^9/L
14yr = 180-400 x 10^9/L
19yr = 170-400 x 10^9/L
>21yr = 150-450 x 10^9/L
As per FBCBarnsley Hospital HaematologyHaematology
PNH screen (Peroxysmal nocturnal haemolysis screen)EDTA
BloodOnly requestable via Haematology Consultants.See HODS Report4 WeeksHODS, Sheffield Royal Hallamshire HospitalHaematology
Porphyrins/Porphyria - full screen2xEDTA
White top Universal container (Urine)
Blue Top Stool Container
EDTA x2 , Fresh random urine sample and small portion of faeces required.*Protect all samples from lightReference ranges and comment with report.3 WeeksCardiff, Department of Medical BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Post Vasectomy Semen AnalysisContact LaboratorySemenThe RCOG (Royal College of Obstetricians) and FPA (Family Planning Association) state that at least two azoospermic, consecutive samples, two to four weeks apart, must be obtained before contraceptive precautions can be dispensed with.
NOTE: the laboratory is not accredited for this assay.
Initial assessment should be undertaken 16 weeks post vasectomy and after the patient has produced at least 24 ejaculates. A second sample should be submitted 2-4 weeks later.
Semen should be collected after an abstinence period of no less than 48 hours and no more than seven days, and maintained at body temperature before delivery to the laboratory. The laboratory must receive the sample within 1 hour of production.
Semen samples will only be accepted for testing when received  in a pre-weighed, sterile pot provided by the laboratory and with a fully completed request form. Missing information or patient demographic detail may result in the specimen being rejected.
Please refer to the information on the request form.
Results may also be affected by surgery, previous infection, recent illness or high temperature, prescribed or recreational drugs.

Please contact the laboratory if in doubt.
Negative1 Week Haematology
Potassium (Serum)Gel/Serum
Blood Adult:   3.5?5.3 mmol/L 
Neonate (up to 1 month): 3.4 - 6.0 mmol/L 
Infant (1 month to 1 year): 3.5 - 5.7 mmol/L 
1 year to 16 years: 3.5 ? 5.0 mmol/L
Adult 3.5 - 5.3 mmol/L
<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Potassium (Urine)White Top Universal (for random urine) or 24 Hour Plain Urine Container (for 24 hour urine)UrineVery variable - dependant on dietary intake and should be interpreted with the serum U&Es25 - 125 mmol/24hr<1 Day Chemical Pathology
Pregnancy Test - UrineWhite Top UniversalUrine (Early morning collection)Negative
(3-7 days after first missed menstrual peroid)
<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
BloodFor information on interferences in our progesterone assay, please see hereMale: 0.89?3.88 nmol/L

Normally ovulating females: Follicular phase:   0 - 4.45 nmol/L)
Luteal: 10.6 - 81.3 nmol/L
Mid-luteal: 14.1 - 89.1 nmol/L

Female, postmenopausal: 0 - 2.3 nmol/L

Female, pregnant: 
1st trimester: 35.7 ? 286.2 nmol/L
2nd trimester: 81.3?284.3 nmol/L 
3rd trimester: 153.9 ? 1343.6 nmol/L
<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
BloodOn ice and separated promptly.With report4 Weeks Chemical Pathology
Blood , nonpregnant: 59?619 mIU/L
M:  45?375 mIU/L

F, pregnant: 206?4420 mIU/L
F, postmenopausal: 38?430 mIU/L

F, 2?3 y: 65.7?332.8 mIU/L
F, 4?9 y: 66.6?334.1 mIU/L
F, 10?12 y: 75.0?386.7 mIU/L
F, 13?21 y: 89.9?489.7 mIU/L

M, 2?3 y: 76.3?606.3 mIU/L
M, 4?9 y: 95.4?382.2 mIU/L
M, 10?16 y: 67.8?284.9 mIU/L
M, 17?21 y: 115.1?326.7 mIU/L
<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
BloodPart of FBC.
Not requestable alone.
Refer to the FBC section.
Expressed as an absolute value and percentage of the total white count if seen when examining a blood film.
(0.00-0.00)Barnsley Hospital HaematologyHaematology
Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)Gel/Serum
BloodPSA is raised in Ca. prostate and in 25 - 30% of patients with BPH.
PSA samples should not be taken from men who have:
- an active UTI
- ejaculated in the previous 48 hours
- exercised vigorously in the previous 48 hours
- had a prostate biopsy in the previous 6 weeks.
- had a DRE in the previous week.
N.B PSA is not tumour specific and is elevated in benign prostatic hypertrophy, prostatis etc.
Please refer to NICE guidelines<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Protein - UrineWhite Top UniversalUrineEMU is now preferred or 24 hour.                                 Samples containing the antibiotics amikacin, gentamicin, kanamycin, and tobramycin should be avoided since these substances falsely increase the urine protein results in our current methodProtein:creatinine ratio (PCR) = <50 mg/mmol creatinine
Albumin:creatinine ratio (ACR) = <30mg/mmol creatinine
24hr urine protein = <0.15 g/24 hours
<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Protein (Total) - SerumGel/Serum
Blood 57 - 76 g/L<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Protein C (PC)Citrate
BloodPart of the Inherited thrombophilia screen. Can be requested as an individual test if written in the clinical details.
1 x green sample if requesting alone. Otherwise, refer to Thrombophilia screen.
Discuss with Haematology Consultants for testing approval.
The citrated bottle must be filled up to the green line marked on the bottle label.
The ratio of anticoagulant to blood must be 1:9 therefore under or over-filling the bottle may affect the results and samples may not be tested.
Send immediately to the labs for pre analytical processing.
Report from the referral laboratory.Refer to the Inherited thrombophilia screenSheffield Royal Hallamshire Hospital, CoagulationHaematology
Protein ElectrophoresisGel/Serum
Blood Narrative Report1 WeekRotherham Hospital ImmunologyChemical Pathology
Protein S (PS)Citrate
BloodPart of the Inherited thrombophilia screen. Can be requested as an individual test if written in the clinical details.
Test authorised by Haematology consultants only if the request is done in accordance with the guidelines. Appropriate clinical information must be provided or the request may be rejected.
The citrated bottle must be filled up to the green line marked on the bottle label.
The ratio of anticoagulant to blood must be 1:9 therefore under or over-filling the bottle may affect the results and samples may not be tested.
Send immediately to the labs for pre analytical processing.
Report from the referral laboratory.Refer to the Inherited thrombophilia screenSheffield Royal Hallamshire Hospital, CoagulationHaematology
Prothrombin 20210A allele genetics (PGM)EDTA
BloodPart of the Inherited thrombophilia screen. Can be requested as an individual test.
Discuss with Haematology Consultants for testing approval.

Send immediately to the labs for pre analytical processing.
Report from the referral laboratory.Refer to the inherited thrombophilia screenSheffield Royal Hallamshire Hospital, CoagulationHaematology
Prothrombin TimeCitrate
BloodThe citrated bottle must be filled up to the green line marked on the bottle label.
The ratio of anticoagulant to blood must be 1:9 therefore under or over-filling the bottle may affect the results and samples may not be tested.
Refer to the Coagulation Screen for full test requirements.
For in house testing:
1 Day = 14.4-16.4 Seconds
3 Day = 13.5-16.4 Seconds
<1 Month = 10.0 -15.0 Seconds
>=1 Month = 10.0-14.0 Seconds
1 Year = 11.5-15.3 Seconds
>16 Years = 12.4-17.3 seconds
 Barnsley Hospital HaematologyHaematology
Pseudocholinesterase (for scoline apnoea)EDTA
Blood With report
Details of anaesthetic sensitivity required
4 WeeksBristol Cholinesterase Investigation UnitChemical Pathology
Blood Therapeutic = 3 - 7 mg/L4 WeeksSheffield Royal Hallamshire HospitalChemical Pathology
BloodPart of the FBC.3D = 3.85-6.50
7D = 3.85-6.40
14D = 3.53-6.20
30D = 3.10-5.20
2M = 2.90-4.60
3M = 3.10-4.65
4M = 3.20-5.00
6M = 3.40-5.10
1yr = 3.70-5.10
6yr = 3.90-5.10
8yr = 4.00-5.10
12yr = 4.15-5.20
Male 15yr = 4.38-5.60
Male 18-20yr = 4.42-5.60
Male >=21yr = 4.33-5.60
Female 15yr = 4.04-5.10
Female 18-20yr = 4.00-5.10
Female >=21yr = 3.85-4.90
 Barnsley Hospital HaematologyHaematology
BloodPart of the FBC.12.2-15.4 Barnsley Hospital HaematologyHaematology
Red cell membrane testingEDTA
BloodRefer to EMA screen for full requirements.Haematology
Renal CalculiWhite Top UniversalCalculi Narrative Report4 WeeksCity Hospital BirminghamChemical Pathology
Renin (PRA - plasma renin activity)Lithium Heparin
Blood After overnight recumbency = 1.1 - 2.7 nmol/L/h
After 30 min upright = 2.8 - 4.5 nmol/L/h
When taken at randomduring the day = 0.5 - 3.5 nmol/L h
2 WeeksLeeds SAS Centre for Steroid HormonesChemical Pathology
Blood <3D = 110-450 x 10^9/L
3D = 50-150 x 10^9/L
>=4D = 20-100 x 10^9/L
Rheumatoid FactorGel/Serum
Blood 0 - 13 U/mL<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
BloodFor information on interferences in our salicylate assay, please see hereTherapeutic = <250 mg/L
Toxicity likely if = >500 mg/L
<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Blood 0.61 - 1.24 umol/L4 WeeksSheffield, Northern General HospitalChemical Pathology
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG)Gel/Serum
Blood Adult Male <50 years = 14.6 -94.6 nmol/L
Adult Male >50 years = 21.6-113.3 nmol/L
Female pre-menopausal = 10.8- >180 nmol/L
Female post-menopausal = 23.2 -159.1 nmol/L
<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Sezary cells Includes: FBC, Blood film & cell markersEDTA
Blood2 x EDTA samples required.
Samples should not be taken on Fridays.
Negative4 WeeksSheffield Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Cell Marker LaboratoryHaematology
Sickle screen (includes quantitative assay initially followed by Ferritin & HPLC)EDTA 
(Red) and Gel/Serum 
1 x EDTA Blood
1 x Brown Top Blood
For urgent pre-op/sickle crisis only.
Urgent requests must be phoned to the laboratory.
All requests are followed up with HPLC.
NegativeUrgent HbS screen performed immediately (TAT 1hr).
TAT 72hrs for HPLC.
Rotherham Hospital HaematologyHaematology
Sodium (Serum)Gel/Serum
Blood 133 - 146 mmol/L<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Sodium (Urine)White Top Universal (for random urine) or 24 Hour Plain Urine Container (for 24 hour urine)UrineVery variable - dependent on dietary intake and should be interpreted with the serum U&Es 40 - 220 mmol/24hr<1 Day Chemical Pathology
T315 mutationEDTA
Blood or Bone MarrowOnly requested by Consultant HaematologistsRefer to HODS database.8-12 WeeksHaematology
BloodEDTA Trough Level
Please specify transplant type and Unit
Dependent on clinical indication.4 WeeksSheffield Northern General Hospital, or to appropriate Transplant Unit (where possible)Chemical Pathology
T-cell gene rearrangementEDTA
BloodSample viability: 24hrs.
Samples should not be taken on Fridays.
Send to the Blood Sciences laboratory immediately so samples can be referred.
Samples should be booked into the HODS database by the requestor. If in doubt, please contact the Blood Sciences laboratory
Report available on the HODS database. Password access only.8 WeeksHODS, Sheffield Royal Hallamshire HospitalHaematology
T-cell subsetsEDTA
BloodSamples should not be taken on Fridays.
Send to the Blood Sciences laboratory immediately so samples can be referred.
Samples should be booked into the HODS database by the requestor. If in doubt, please contact the Blood Sciences laboratory
Report available via HODS database or as a hardcopy.4 WeeksHODS, Sheffield Royal Hallamshire HospitalHaematology
Blood 400 - 850 ug/L4 WeeksSheffield, Royal Hallamshire HospitalChemical Pathology
Testing for Direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC), including Dabigatran, apixaban, rivaroxabanCitrate
BloodNOTE: This is not an assay for monitoring therapy. Type of drug, Date and time of last dose required.Refer to external report.2 WeeksSheffield Royal Hallamshire Hospital, CoagulationHaematology
BloodFor information on interferences in our testosterone assay, please see hereAdult Male = 9.3 -32.2  nmol/L
Female pre-menopausal = 0.4-2.1nmol/L
Female post-menopausal = <0.2-1.7 noml/L      
<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Blood Therapeutic = 10 - 20 mg/L<1 DayBarnsley Hospital BiochemistryChemical Pathology
Thiamine (Vitamin B1)EDTA
BloodProtect from light.66.5-200 nmol/L2 weeksRotherham Hospital Chemical PathologyChemical Pathology
Thiopurine MethyltransferaseEDTA
Blood Normal = 26 - 50 pmol/h/mgHb
Deficiency = <10 pmol/h/mgHb
Carrier = 10 - 25 pmol/h/mgHb
With comment on report.
4 WeeksCity Hospital Birmingham, Trace Elements laboratoryChemical Pathology