Our Emergency Department is very busy right now and some people are experiencing long waits. If you do not require emergency care, please use an alternative such as 111 online.
Is there anything I should look out for that may be of concern?
If you develop any of the following symptoms, then contact your GP or return to the Emergency Department where you will be reassessed:
- worsening headache
- neck stiffness
- uncomfortable in bright light
- a rash
- a high temperature
- feeling drowsy
- black out of vision
- visual disturbances such as double vision
- fits
- weakness, numbness or pins and needles
- nausea and vomiting
- a headache that gets worse upon bending down, coughing or straining
- a headache that gets worse whilst or after walking
It is advisable to avoid drinking alcohol for a few days, following your headache.
Reviewed by Dr T Shaw in October 2022, next review in October 2024.