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How to ease the pain of a knee injury
This means that you should reduce normal daily activity for the first 24 to 48 hours. Do not exercise to the point of discomfort.
Use ice-packs
Using ice-packs helps to reduce swelling and pain.
Elevate your knee
Elevate your knee by resting with your leg elevated - higher than your heart.
Use over-the-counter painkillers
Common and widely available painkillers such as paracetamol and ibuprofen can be bought from a pharmacy, and may be taken together.
Are there any specific exercises I can do?
Exercises can be completed, to the level that your pain allows. Do not push yourself or your body too hard.
Two exercises we recommend for knee pain:
- Bend and straighten your knee to the point of pain, whilst sitting in a chair.
- Lying down, point your toes to the ceiling and press your knee to the bed.
These exercises are most beneficial when done regularly. Try to do 10 repetitions, four to five times per day.
Reviewed by Dr T Shaw in October 2022, next review in October 2024.