Our Emergency Department is very busy right now and some people are experiencing long waits. If you do not require emergency care, please use an alternative such as 111 online.
This is an inflammation (irritation) of the hip joint. Irritable hip may happen after a viral illness such as a cold or diarrhoea and vomiting. It is not an infection. Children may have pain in their groin, hip, thigh or sometimes knee. They may have difficulty walking. It is a mild condition which improves over one to two weeks on its own with simple painkillers.
What can help your child at home?
Try to encourage your child to rest the leg as much as possible. Regular pain relief medication can be given such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.
What happens at the Emergency Department Clinic?
Children are generally reviewed in the Emergency Department Clinic in the next 2-3 days. This is to ensure their limp is improving and no other symptoms develop. Your child’s appointment should be booked before you leave the Emergency Department. At the clinic appointment, your child will be seen and re-examined by a Senior Emergency Department doctor.
When to worry?
If your child develops any of the following symptoms, please return seek further urgent attention:
- becomes unwell
- has increasing pain
- develops a high temperature
- is unable to stand and put any weight on the affected leg at all
When should my child have returned to normal?
We expect your child to return to normal after 1 to 2 weeks. Try to avoid sports or strenuous activities with your child within this time. Allow them to gradually return to normal activities. Your child may need pain relief medication for several days. This can be reduced gradually. Please contact the Emergency Department if they become unwell or their limp does not get completely better within this time.
Reviewed by Dr T Shaw in October 2023, next review in October 2026.