Our Emergency Department is very busy right now and some people are experiencing long waits. If you do not require emergency care, please use an alternative such as 111 online.
How long will it take to heal?
The tendon takes about 6 weeks to heal.
During this time, it has to be held straight in a splint so that the ends can heal together.
If the finger is allowed to bend during this time, then the tendon will not heal, and you will be unable to straighten your finger fully.
Can I remove the splint?
The splint should only be removed for cleaning and it is vital that your finger is kept straight for all the time it is off - such as by placing your finger on a flat surface. Do not be tempted to check the healing by bending the finger tip.
How do I clean my finger?
- Keep your finger straight by placing it on a flat surface.
- Remove the splint carefully.
- Clean your finger and the splint.
- Dry your finger.
- Replace the splint.
You will be reviewed in the clinic 1 week and 6 weeks, after the injury.
Reviewed by Dr T Shaw in October 2022, next review in October 2024.