Our Emergency Department is very busy right now and some people are experiencing long waits. If you do not require emergency care, please use an alternative such as 111 online.
What should I expect?
You will unlikely be able to remember the procedure, or a short period following it. This is because of the sedative medication and is normal.
Some people may be slightly confused or unsteady afterwards.
Other common symptoms include nausea and mild headache. These symptoms generally wear off after a few hours, but may last for up to 24 hours.
Importantly, your judgement may be affected for up to 24 hours after the medication.
Is there anything I should do at home?
- take your normal medication
- use simple painkillers such as paracetamol as needed
- take plenty of fluids and eat a light diet
- be careful on stairs
Is there anything I should avoid?
For the first 24 hours after a sedation:
- avoid making important decisions
- do not drive, ride a bike or operate heavy machinery
- do not drink alcohol
- avoid caring for dependent adults or children without help
When can I return to work?
Most people are fine to return to work 24 hours after a sedation.
Reviewed by Dr T Shaw in September 2023, next review in September 2025.