Our Emergency Department is very busy right now and some people are experiencing long waits. If you do not require emergency care, please use an alternative such as 111 online.
Our service is split into two main areas, Community Paediatric Services and Autism Assessment and Diagnosis Services. We currently see children for:
- Global Developmental Delays
- Isolated Speech, Language and Communication Difficulties
Isolated Motor Delays (Gross/Fine)
Looked after children’s initial health assessment
Adoption and Fostering Services, and
Autism Assessment & Diagnosis
Services we don’t offer:
- ADHD assessment, support or medication – please contact CAMHS
- Paediatric Epilepsy – please refer to epilepsy service in acute paediatrics
- Paediatric Enuresis
- Behaviour difficulties – (if a young person presents with behavioural difficulties as part of social communication difficulties then please see our autism section)
- Sensory processing difficulties – please contact the paediatric therapy team
- Sleep assessment, support or advice
- Review health assessments for looked after children
The team is based at New Street Health Centre and offer community-based clinics across the borough.