Please book in at the maternity reception where you will be directed to the scan department and offered a scan combined with early downs screening.
This scan will give you an expected date of birth for your baby. Please be aware that only a small number of babies will arrive on this date. (Please see below for further information re screening for downs syndrome).
Our staff will then direct you back to the Antenatal Clinic. Please let reception know you have had your scan and take a seat in the waiting room.
Please allow at least one hour for this appointment.
What happens next?
You will be seen by a midwife or a member of our support staff where, with your consent, you will be:
- Weighed and your height will be measured. This is to enable us to work out your Body Mass Index (BMI)
- Your blood pressure will be taken
- We will request a sample of your urine to test for infection
- You will be offered a number of routine screening tests unless these have already been discussed and obtained by your community midwife.
- Tests include:
- Blood group
- Iron level
- Hepatitis B
- Syphilis screening
- Sickle cell and thalassemia
- Downs syndrome, Edwards and Patau screening
More about screening tests during pregnancy
We can also listen to your baby’s heart beat if you would like us to. This can be difficult to do if early in pregnancy but usually heard quite clearly after 15-20 weeks of pregnancy.
Prior to leaving us you will be given the opportunity to ask any questions and discuss your ongoing care and you will be offered an appointment for your 18-21 week scan which will be sent via the post.
For further information about your care in pregnancy and your choices please discuss with us or your community midwife.
A national NHS webpage which can also provide lots of useful information can be accessed via
There’s more information on the Maternity Ultrasound service page.