Our Emergency Department is very busy right now and some people are experiencing long waits. If you do not require emergency care, please use an alternative such as 111 online.
There are many reasons you may be seen in ANDU. Some examples include?
- Raised blood pressure that requires closer monitoring
- An additional scan to check the position of you baby
- Pre-operative caesarean section assessment
- To monitor babies heart rate
- If you have concerns regarding your baby’s movements
- Other pregnancy related conditions that require additional monitoring
If you need to attend ANDU your midwife or consultant team will discuss this with you or if you have concerns regarding reduced fetal movements from 28 weeks onwards you can contact the department directly for advice.
Midwife Sonography Service
Our midwife sonography clinic is located within the Antenatal Day Unit. Our team will perform and review growth scans in the third trimester of pregnancy accepting referrals from all areas of the maternity department.