Autism Referral Hub

Welcome to the Autism Assessment Referral Hub.

Here you will be able to access the information and resources you will need in order to make a referral for a child or young person you are supporting.

We are unable to consider self / parent referrals and can only accept referrals from professionals.

To avoid using obsolete referral forms, we suggest downloading a new pack each time.

The referral pack

The referral pack is made up of four core forms and includes a parent questionnaire and school questionnaire. Each form has a specific purpose and is to be completed by the relevant person(s) with clear and relevant examples of social communication and interaction differences.

The forms are clear in terms of what information is required and who should be providing this.

Initiating the referral

As the professional coordinating this referral, you will need to download the relevant forms from the referral pack using the links below, these can be completed by hand or preferably electronically. 

The professional coordinating the referral is responsible for collating all the completed forms and supporting documentation and submitting to the assessment team. The responsibility of this can be transferred between professionals if mutually agreed.

Please follow the guidance given in this section and also on each form to avoid unnecessary delay.

How to make a request for assessment

1: The relevant forms are to be downloaded from the referral pack by the professional co-ordinating (the 'referrer') this request for assessment using the links below.

2: The forms are to then be distributed for completion by the relevant parties.

3: The ‘referrer’ collates the completed forms and reviews the information provided to ensure that there is sufficient supporting evidence and the forms have been fully completed.

4: The ‘referrer’ then completes the Submission Form (found on ASC1) and submits all 4 forms (the ‘referral pack’) to for consideration.

Please advise the family 

They will receive a text message once the referral pack is received by our team. We ask that they allow 30 working days for these to be processed and triaged. We will advise in writing of the outcome of the triage process.

Autism Assessment Referral Pack

The core forms required are:

  • ASC1 | Request for assessment form
    This form is to be completed by the professional initiating the request for assessment. This is a simple form which asks for the basic demographics of the family and an outline of your concerns and reason for requesting an assessment.  This form also gives clear instruction on what needs to be done and by whom and also includes a pre-submission checklist to ensure the pack is completed correctly prior to submission.
  • ASC2 | Consent form
    This form is to be read and signed by an adult providing consent for assessment for children under 16, or by the young person themselves if 16+. It is important that the appropriate consent is sought and that all parties understand the need for sharing of information during this process. This form must contain a written signature, electronic signatures are not acceptable. Further informaiton about how we collect, store and use information can be found on our Privacy Notice. Children and young people may which to view our chid-friendly privacy notice.
  • ASC3 | Parent / Carer supporting information form
    This form should be given to the family either electronically or in printed format for completion by an adult with parental responsibility or by a professional completing the form on their behalf. Where possible, parents should be encouraged to include the child's views. Once completed, this form should be returned to the referrer (the person coordinating the referral).
  • ASC4 | Supporting information from educational setting, day-care or childminder
    A copy of this form should be given to the child's educational setting or childminder for completion. This could be in printed format, electronic or even a letter asking them to access the form directly online.  Once completed, this form should be returned to the referrer (the person coordinating the referral).
    If a child is not in education, please refer to form ASC00 for guidance.

Supplementary forms (if required)

  • ASC00 | Not in education or training
    This form is to be used for children who are not in education or training. The form will guide you as to whether this is the correct form to use.
  • ASC99 | Supplementary information from supporting services
    This form is for other professionals working with the family who want to contribute key information to the assessment process. This could be a family support worker, a social worker, a therapist etc. Once completed, this form should be returned to the referrer.

Important information

The assessment team will not consider part referral packs submissions. 

It is also not their responsibility to chase up any outstanding information.  

Packs with missing forms, forms that are incomplete, forms that are illegible, forms missing consent etc will be returned to the 'referrer'.


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  • Page last reviewed: 16 January 2024
  • Next review due: 1 January 2025