Our Emergency Department is very busy right now and some people are experiencing long waits. If you do not require emergency care, please use an alternative such as 111 online.
Sleep has many functions and benefits and plays an important part in a child’s overall development. Whilst most people believe sleep is just a form of rest and topping up our energy levels, it does in fact have far more of an important role.
Whilst we sleep, our brain processes all the things it has taken in that day and stores it into short term and long-term memory. It is at this point it discards anything that is irrelevant.
During the deeper stages of sleep the pituitary gland releases Somatotrophin (our growth hormone) which promotes growth, metabolism and also supports the body’s natural repair function by encouraging cell reproduction. Whilst sleeping, there is a natural increase in the flow of blood around the body meaning that more oxygen is carried to the tissues and muscles to aid recovery.