Our services

We have listed all of our services and their different names in our extensive A to Z listing.



The Emergency Department provides a 24-hour emergency service for the people of Barnsley and the surrounding area. A nurse will assess you as soon as possible after your arrival.

Our Acorn Unit is for people who need extra support, care and rehabilitation. Acorn provides care that prevents many hospital stays and supports patients on discharge from the hospital. 

Active Together is a cancer pre-habilitation and rehabilitation service funded by Yorkshire Cancer Research.

The Acute Medical Physiotherapy Team covers a seven day service of all general medical and respiratory wards in the hospital.

The Acute Medical Unit (AMU) is the first point of entry for patients referred to hospital as emergencies by their GP and those requiring admission from the Emergency Department.


Neurological physiotherapy is the treatment of patients who have a neurological disorder.

Acute post operative pain management, pain medicine, pain control or algiatry, is an interdisciplinary approach for easing the suffering and improving the quality of life of those with acute pain.

The Acute Surgical and Critical Care Physiotherapy Team is a seven day service for all general surgical wards, the Post Operative Surgical Unit (POSU) and Intensive Care (ICU).

The Amber Clinic is dedicated to the assessment, treatment and individualised care of women and other pregnant people (and their families) who are at an increased risk of having a

The aim of this service is to provide physiotherapy to adults following lower limb amputation.

The Anaesthetic team provide anaesthesia to allow patients to tolerate operations and procedures in comfort and safety.

We see all women who have chosen to have their baby at Barnsley after they have had their first scan and at various other stages in pregnancy if required.

The Antenatal Day Unit (ANDU) is a midwife led assessment area located on the ground floor of women’s services next to the ultrasound department.

The Assessment and Rehabilitation Therapy Service is a therapy led service that offers assessment, treatment and rehabilitation for older people.

The Assessment and Rehabilitation Unit (ARU) provides assistance for patients with complex conditions through individual and group therapy programmes.

The Assistive Technology Team at Barnsley Hospital is commissioned by NHS England.

Assessment, treatment and advice for patients experiencing issues with hearing, tinnitus and balance.


The aim and vision of our new service is to provide your diabetes care closer to home.

Practical and emotional advice following a death at the hospital.

Phlebotomy is when someone uses a needle to take blood from a vein, usually in your arm. This can be used to diagnose a number of conditions and any blood taken will be sent to a laboratory.

At the Breast Care Unit at Barnsley Hospital, we provide breast screening, breast clinics, and a range of healthcare support including breast surgery and reconstruction. Our department is

Mammogram (Breast screening) is the name for a specialised x-ray of the breast which shows small details of the breast tissue that cannot be seen in any other way.


Cancer Services support the specialist cancer teams across the Hospital.

Caring for patients with heart disease including angina, heart attacks, heart valve problems, arrhythmias, cardiomyopathies and congenital disorders.

The Care of the Elderly Department at Barnsley Hospital offers multi-disciplinary specialist assessment as well as general care for older people. 

The Chaplaincy team offers support to patients, relatives, and staff whatever their faith or belief, whether religious or non-religious.

The Barnsley and Children’s Young Peoples Diabetes Specialist Team provides medical, nursing, dietetic and psychological care to over 150 children and young peop

We see children and young people with a wide range of medical illnesses and injuries.

The children’s community nursing team see patients in a community setting to help reduce attendance and admissions to hospital.

The children’s services provide a high quality and responsive service to the needs of children and their families.

The paediatric physiotherapy team provides physiotherapy care for children on the wards, the special care baby unit and in outpatient settings.

The Children’s Respiratory Team provide medical, nursing, dietetic and physiotherapy care to Children and Young People up to the age of 16 years of age who have a respiratory illness such as; Asthm

Colorectal surgery repairs damage to the colon, rectum, and anus through a variety of procedures that may have little or great long-term consequence to the patient.

Covering all internal, external, and media communications.

If you are referred to Breast Care Services at Barnsley Hospital and your symptoms are exclusively breast pain, you may be booked into one of our bespoke breast pain clinics.

Welcome to Barnsley Community Paediatrics; a part of the integrated paediatric services at Barnsley Hospital.

Computerised Tomography (CT) is an imaging technique that uses x-rays and a sophisticated computer to produce cross sectional images (slices of information) of the body.

The Coronary Care Unit (CCU) looks after patients who need a higher level of care than normal after acute heart-related illnesses, such as a heart attack.

The Corporate Governance Department is your point of contact for Trust HQ and its corporate governance arrangements, which includes the Council of Governors and Board of Directors.

COVID Medicine Delivery Unit (CMDU) provides access to COVID treatments for non-hospitalised patients believed to be at greatest risk of disease progression, hospitalisation or death.


Enabling patients to come into hospital, have an operation or procedure, recover, and go home on the same day.

The dermatology department provides diagnosis, treatment and clinics for skin conditions.

The Diabetes and Endocrinology department provides specialist services for patients with diabetes throughout Barnsley and the surrounding areas.

The podiatry service provides specialist assessment and treatment for patients with diabetic foot ulcerations and other acute conditions.

Impartial advice about nutrition and health, we also advise about food related problems and treat disease and ill health.

This is a scan that measures the density of bones. DXA stands for Dual energy X-ray Absorptiometry.


The Ear, Nose and Throat Department provides Diagnosis, surgery and treatment for people with ear, nose and throat-related problems.

An endoscopy is a procedure used to see inside your body so doctors can investigate unusual symptoms, perform certain types of surgery, or remove a small sample of tissue for further analysis.&nbsp

Enhanced care is a closer level of supervision used when staff have risk assessed the potential harm to a patient, or the risk to others. 


Fluoroscopy uses x-rays and allows us to see into the body in real time; for example watching what happens when a patient swallows, or guiding a radiologist during a procedure.


A comprehensive clinical gastroenterology and endoscopic service providing diagnosis, investigation, and treatment. 

A highly skilled nursing and support team with sub-specialities in colorectal, upper gastrointestinal, breast, vascular and urology.

Information about diabetes that develops during pregnancy, known as gestational diabetes.

The gynaecology department deals with various reproductive conditions and diseases in women, non-binary people and trans men, and provides outpatient clinics along with day case and inpatient proce


Haematology, is the branch of medicine concerned with the study, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases related to blood.

The Hand Therapy Service serves to manage more specific and complex conditions of the hand, with less complex fractures and soft tissue injuries being also managed throughout the department.

The High Dependency Unit (HDU) provides care for patients who have undergone extensive surgery or require extra support and monitoring and require high dependency nursing.

The service provides stop smoking support and advice to help people quit smoking. 


The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) provides a service of care for critically ill or injured patients.

The Intensive Care rehabilitation team, is a team which supports patients on Intensive Care during their stay, as well as after their stay on Intensive Care. 


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Specialist Nurses in acute presentations of cancer and side effects of anti-cancer treatments such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy and immunotherapy.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is an imaging technique that combines a powerful magnet with a sophisticated computer to produce images of the body without the need for x-rays.

The Maternity Assessment Unit or Triage is situated on level one, in Women’s Services, adjacent to the Birthing Centre and is accessed through the Birthing Centre door.

Congratulations on your pregnancy! We have a dedicated team of midwives, doctors and staff to support you through your pregnancy journey and look forward to sharing this exciting time with you.

The Maternity Stop Smoking Service is available to support pregnant women and their families who wish to stop smoking.

We see all women, non-binary people and trans men who have chosen to have their baby at Barnsley Hospital. We offer a variety of ultrasound scans at different stages of pregnancy.

The Medical Imaging department provides an important diagnostic service and supports clinicians from within Barnsley Hospital and outside of the hospital.

Providing a wide range of photography and video services to support clinical documentation, teaching, and research at the hospital.

This service provides physiotherapy for patients with acute musculoskeletal injuries, which are traumatic in nature.


The unit cares for premature and sick babies who are born at 27 weeks gestation and above.

Neurology is a branch of medicine that deals with all categories of conditions affecting the nervous systems.

Nuclear medicine is a medical specialty involving the application of radioactive substances in the diagnosis and treatment of disease.


An ultrasound scan is a procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to create images of organs and structures inside the body.

Therapeutic services for people with physical, mental or social problems. We serve inpatient wards and provide an outpatient service for rheumatology patients.

The Operating Theatre is the facility at Barnsley Hospital where surgical operations are carried out in a sterile environment.

The Ophthalmology Team here at Barnsley Hospital provide a wide range of services for patients with sight impairment or visual problems.

The department of maxillofacial surgery offers a comprehensive service relating to conditions of the face, mouth, jaws and neck.

Orthodontics is a speciality treating disorders of dental and facial growth and development.

Here at Barnsley Hospital we are pleased to be able to offer the Enhanced Recovery Pathway for patients undergoing a total hip or total knee replacement.

Orthopaedic Physiotherapy specialises in the treatment of patients undergoing planned surgery (elective surgery) or those who are admitted to hospital due to a traumatic accident or incident.

The orthotic department helps with the treatment and rehabilitation of patients by providing ‘bodily worn devices’ or ‘orthoses’.

Our Outpatient Pharmacy is located at the top of the escalators in the outpatient lobby.


Care for patients with complex needs who have a diagnosis of cancer or an active, progressive life limiting illness.

Pathology is the study of the causes and effects of disease or injury. 

Support getting to and from hospital.

The Women’s Health Physiotherapy team provides a range of services.

The physiotherapy service is provided by both inpatient and outpatient physiotherapists.

The planned investigation unit (PIU) caters for patients who are undergoing planned surgical procedures and investigations, and also admits patients requiring acute and surgical intervention.

Adult and paediatric patients are seen by specialist nurses prior to any planned surgical procedure.


The Barnsley Hospital Respiratory Department (Chest Clinic) provide expert services in the management of acute and chronic respiratory disorders.

The Barnsley Hospital Retinal Screening department is based in the Diabetes Centre and provides annual retinal screening for people with diabetes.

Assessment, treatment and clinics for patients suffering rheumatological conditions such as arthritis, osteoporosis and soft tissue rheumatism.

This service is for patients requiring physiotherapy treatment suffering rheumatologic conditions such as arthritis, osteoporosis and soft tissue rheumatism.


Same Day Emergency Care is the provision of same day care for emergency patients who would otherwise be admitted to hospital.

We offer a wide range of specialist in-patient and outpatient speech and language therapy services.

The Acute Stroke Services department provides treatment and care for patients who have suffered a stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA).


This is a service for people affected by cancer in Barnsley, providing six free beauty and complementary therapies for people of all genders.

We provide outpatient care for patients with deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism and for people using anticoagulants.

The orthopaedic department provides services for people with musculoskeletal problems such as knee, hip, shoulder, elbow, foot and ankle pain.


This is a test performed either by a radiologist (X-ray doctor) or sonographer (health professional specialising in ultrasound).

Two dedicated upper gastrointestinal (GI) and laparoscopic surgeons are supported by an upper GI nurse specialist from the upper GI and laparoscopic surgery team at Barnsley Hospital.

The urgent care therapy team compromises of physiotherapists and occupational therapists who specialise in the assessment of patients with acute medical needs.

The urology department at Barnsley Hospital looks after patients with problems of the urinary tract.


We provide patients with a range of vascular devices including midlines and peripheral cannula.

Vascular surgery is the treatment of patients with diseases of the arterial, venous, and lymphatic systems, excluding the intracranial (head) and coronary arteries (heart).


Plain film imaging uses x-rays to produce an image of the bones, lungs or teeth to aid in diagnosis.

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  • Page last reviewed: 23 April 2024
  • Next review due: 25 December 2026